Title: Four Times Lincoln Almost Told Jane He Loved Her And One Time He Actually Did (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Lincoln/Jane (with fleeting guest appearances by LJ, Michael and Sara)
Genre: Alternate Universe
Length: 2,155 words
Rating: Hmmm. How about R?
Summary: I think the title is self-explanatory, don't you? *g*
Author's Note
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Comments 22
Thanks so much for the lovely feedback - I do like writing these two, and I can't keep away from the universe in my head. I like it so much better there. *g*
Loved the progression in this piece on both sides. It would be a very Linc kind of thing to worry so much about when to say 'I love you' but the fact that he contemplates it, for this guy, is a huge step.
Love the universe you've created. Why don't the writer simply hire you? We like your AU better *naughty face!!*
I'm so relieved to hear you say that. I do my best to make them very different, but I'm still the same writer, using the same brain, and sometimes I worry that I'm doubling up. *hugs you*
I think of Linc as being a very taciturn guy when it comes to declarations of love. It's not that he doesn't feel a hell of a lot, but he wants to wait until he's sure until he says those words, and then there's no hearts and flowers about it. It's a 'here it is, take it or leave it', which is pretty much how he does most things, IMHO.
Linc is like a guy-guy in that respect *grins*
Man. Considering we saw Jane for like 15 minutes, how can they be my OTP? I know theoretically it's ridiculous, yet this sort of story makes me so happy I could cry.
And some of the more lovelier descriptions that I have to quote:
He stares at her, his blood heated with more than just lust, the urge to tell her he loves her coming out of nowhere and seizing him by the scruff of the neck, shaking him out of his stupor. He opens his mouth, the words rising up in his throat, then he chokes back the impulse. It’s too soon, and he can’t bear the thought of her looking at him the way a woman looks at a man who says those words too soon, like they’re some fucking lovesick puppy that needs to be humored ( ... )
I know, I know. Those 15 minutes left me with a lasting adoration of this pairing. Now *that's* chemistry, kiddies. *g*
So glad you liked it!
This is why I love your writing so much. All your PB characters are spot on. I love 'your Linc' and how I wish Jane was still around, loved her and her chemistry with Linc.
All we have now is annoying Little Soph*.
(*credit: mrs_spleen)
Happy Birthday foxriver_lady
domfangirl has already pointed out my favorite imagery, of the "scruffed neck" variety, and you know I love the quick Michael and Sara cameos, but I will also say that you write Lincoln so very, very well. As we'd touched upon, he's not an easy character to write, and for me, it's because he's really a man of few words. He's viseral, and organic, and just pushes his way through life, and you capture that so well (even to the point of him pushing through by-standers at the airport, which is dead-on!). So brava, and happy birthday, Sarah!
Nothing like using a friend's birthday to shamelessly write something you love writing, is there? *snugs foxriver_lady*
Cameo. Hee.
I really love writing Lincoln, and I'm so pleased you approve of how I do it. He's not dumb, he's just sometimes written that way. *snerks* He's the mirror opposite of his brother when it comes to how they express themselves, and that's why he's so much fun to write.
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