Christmas. Meh.

Dec 06, 2007 20:00

General rambling.

I have just done a heap of Christmas shopping online. That's about six presents done in ten minutes without leaving the house. Woohoo! Of course, this level of convenience means that when you find a place that won't ship to you (ie me, down here at the bottom of the globe), it's a bit of a shock. Why does Barneys not ship to international addresses? Don't they know that I'm a desperate woman who needs to buy Lipstick Queen lipsticks?

I was shopping online because I missed a day in the city because I was home sick from work today with a nasty sore throat and a head cold, which seems so very wrong in the middle of summer. When you have a cold, you want to be able to sip hot tea and huddle beneath the covers, not drink three litres of cold water and collapse in front of the fan. The universe, she is laughing at me!

Back to work tomorrow, and more Christmas shopping on the weekend. Maybe that will be the last of it, and I can spend December avoiding shopping malls. *is foolishly optimistic*

I owe many people emails and LJ replies, but cold medication has not helped my brain to work today, so do pardon my slackness, lol!

And because this has been such a whiny post, I leave you with Bandaid's "Do They know it's Christmas" - the original, and the best. *loves*

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