Title: Birthday
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi
Pairing: Michael/Sara
Length: 100 words
Rating: G
Summary: Bad timing isn't always a bad thing.
Author's Note: September 8th is Michael Scofield's birthday, so I thought I'd get my arse into gear and write something to celebrate. This is also for the
They Say It's Your Birthday Hiatus Challenge #5 at
pbhiatus_fic. It's set sometime in Season Two, and is pretty AU, given the time-frame. *g*
It’s five a.m.
Another sleepless night, another day they may not survive.
It’s not the life she should be leading.
The drill is always the same. Plan their route for the day, checks their supplies, be gone before the sun comes up.
This morning, she frowns at her watch. “What’s the date today?”
He hesitates - this is not how he’d planned to spend this day - then relents. “September 8th.”
She catches his hand, her mouth warm against his. “Happy Birthday, Michael.”
His heart twists, but he smiles. He’s spending this day with her, and that’s good enough for him.