What do you get if you take a couple of fanfic writers (and one artiste!) and scare them with the prospect of a five month hiatus? Toss in some post-Sona anxiety, and you get
pbhiatus_fic, that’s what you get.
The start of Season Three of Prison Break is a long, long way away. If you would like to indulge in some diversionary tactics in the form of Challenge Fics, then please, jump on in.
We're talking drabbles, one-shots, ficlets, multi-chaptered fics. Any rating, any genre, any pairing, any character as long as it fits the challenge.
A new challenge will be posted every two weeks (that’s fortnightly for the Australians out there). When you're ready to share your fic with the world, post it on your own LJ, then post a link in the challenge thread. Oh, and any challenge suggestions will be warmly welcomed, too.
The first challenge will be posted this weekend, and if you should feel the urge to pimp
pbhiatus_fic on your LJ, we would have no objections whatsoever. *g*
This comm will only be around as long as the hiatus lasts, but as the old saying goes, we're here for a good time, not a long time.
Oh, and your friendly Cruise Directors will be
sarah_scribbles and
Spam-related apologies to anyone lucky enough to be on *all* our flists!