I'm waiting for two things with bated breath:
1.) my grade for Information Politics. I got my Film Noir grade yesterday. It was an A. I wasn't worried about that course. I'm not really worried about this course either. I just want my grade, however.
2.) Blade Runner: The Final Cut. I ordered the damn thing in August from Warner Bros. Home Video
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I was awakened Sunday by a lousy automated call from UPS. It simply said "This is a call from UPS." Then it went silent. I waited thirty seconds and started pushing buttons. Finally, one selection yielded the fact that the shipment was coming, a signature was necessary (which the shipper should have done the FIRST FREAKING TIME!!!) and the truck would be there Monday sometime between 8 AM and 7 PM. Wow. Way to be precise.
I left a huge sign on my door, saying that if the truck got there, the driver was to leave the tag and I would pick up the thing on my own (IF I could find where the UPS delivery depot has moved to). I go to the dentist, get a crown put on a tooth, go to pick up a stranded friend (who needed a ride, dinner and some junk from a store). I get back. Well, I can get maybe two hours of sleep before I have to go to work. I guess UPS has ended for the night.
AND THEN the UPS truck rumbles up, at 6:45 PM! I sign, get the camera, test it briefly, and get a small amount of sleep before my overnight shift. The end of a horrid, horrid buying and shipping experience I hope never to repeat. But probably will.
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