Remember I said I wouldn't be cosplaying at Comic-Con this year? Well, I *did* bring along some very basic stuff for a Blade Runner-esque costume. Straw fedora, trench coat, khakis, black LA monogram (Dodgers logo) t-shirt. I had my ticket and my ID in a wallet around my neck that looks very Law Enforcement as well, and all together it looks like something that wouldn't be entirely out of place in 2019. Warner Bros. Home Video brought models to make appearances throughout Comic-Con, dressed somewhat like the replicants from Blade Runner.
Anyway, I sent the picture in to ThinkGeek, the place I got the umbrella from. And wow! I am their August winner for best product shot. The prize is $100 in store credit at the store. Hmm...what swag shall I snag? Gonna think about it before making a decision.
I'm also the one person on
the site put up by Warner Bros. Home Video to house pictures they took on the con floor who looks like she belongs with the replicants. It could be argued
the guy in the Frank N Furter outfit fit a bit better than most, and also
the girl brave enough to wear an Aeon Flux costume, but most of the people getting picture taken were in the Geek uniform of jeans and T-Shirt.
Update 8/1/2007: there actually were
two other people cosplaying Blade Runner, and WB got them on camera. Here's another cool shot of
all the models WB hired to cosplay Blade Runner replicants.
Speaking of bravery in the pursuit of cosplay, the models wearing the Zhora outfit in particular were braver chicks than I. It's like the women who wear the Slave Girl Leia costume. That takes guts. And a tolerance for the inevitable fanboy grab-ass that probably goes on. The Zhora chicks need to be paid combat pay, going out there looking like that. Actually that also goes for the Pris chicks in that unitard.
So yeah, I'm feeling good today. And somewhat vindicated.