Stolen....because I'm like that

Mar 08, 2009 21:11

What should your name be?
What ever you want it to be? No, seriously? I think my is apt.

What is your greatest mistake that you wouldn't take back?
Falling for Loki Oh...I don't is a long list you know.

Has anyone ever said something that's truly saved your life?
Um.... "I wouldn't do that if I were you."- Loki

Which would you rather live without, your hands or your feet?
I need both, you know...but my hands I could find a way around. My feet...well it is hard to run without feet.

What's the worst thing you've ever done?
I stole Thor's hammer, and pinned it on Loki. As a result the Norse bound Loki to his rock again. I....yes. I stole something from Loki that resulted in him killing me.

What would be your last meal if you were sentenced to death?
Wine....Eh. I can't really die, die. So, there isn't such a thing for me.

It's three in the morning. You're arrested. Who do you call?
HAHAHAHA.....HAHAHAHAHAHA....Who are you talking to? Mm?

What's the worst movie you've ever seen that you secretly love more than anything else?

Honey, whipped cream, or chocolate sauce?
Whipped cream.

Who would play you in your biopic?
Phft, me?

If you could be with your current crush/love interest, but you had to forget all your past partners, would you?
No. For one, it would be pointless, my children would remind me. And past lovers are damn vindictive.

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
Destroy the One God.

Invent a drink! Name it and list its ingredients.
Hmm. Fiji
Coconut Rum
Coconut milk

What? I drink wine for a reason.

Name three people you want to see in a towel.
Uh, you know...I've seen just about everyone I want to in less than a towel, but ok. Hmm, Mab, she's hot. Sigyn, because it would boil Loki. And um...Anteros because he would sputter a lot.

What color of crayon best expresses your personality?
Midnight Blue

You can outlaw any one thing of your choosing. What is it and why?
Worship of the One God All that Anti-gay crap in the US. What the hell?

What's the best word you know?

What place do you wish you could blink out of existence and why?
Heh, not going there.

Is there anyone on your friend list that you've betrayed?
Loki Define betrayed?


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