Title: The Fortune Cookie.
Characters: Shawn and Gus.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Rating: G
Summary: "I'm a psychic, remember?"
Write a drabble (100 words exactly) based on your current default icon. No changing it! Just write it as it comes; no beta-reading or mulling over. Any fandom or no fandom at all.
"What are you doing?"
Gus was annoyed. He was trying to have a quiet dinner at the local Chinese restaurant and Shawn was being well, Shawn, currently holding a fortune cookie up to his right temple.
"I'm predicting your fortune."
Shawn’s eyes shut.
"Gus." He opened his eyes. "That's not chicken."
"Ha." Pause. "Ha."
"'You have a happy spleen.'" Shawn said passing over the cookie with a wink.
Gus rolled his eyes and broke open the cookie.
'You have a happy spleen.'
Gus' jaw dropped.
"How did you do that?"
"I'm a psychic, remember?"
"Shawn, tell me how."
Shawn grinned.