Any specific reason my comment was deleted???? No worries...I can post again.
Now seriously children...this game is getting a little ridiculous, don't you think?
Since my original comment was deleted as an obvious attempt to pretend to be better than thou and increase your own poor me crap...I'll just repost.
Wow. I'm actually quite shocked that ANYONE has that much free time. It must be nice to be that bored. Everytime I read one of the comments from your fan club, I keep hearing the song, "I don't wanna grow up, I'm a toys r us kid..." in my head. LOL
I'm actually quite shocked that Miss 5th grade education with a 3rd grade intelligence level hasn't responded to my comment. I figured I'd be told to read "Sam I Am" or "Green Eggs and Ham" next. Hmmm...go figure.
I must say...the immaturity from your fans just amuses me to no end. LOL
I'll talk to you on AIM so we can point and laugh at stupid people together. hehehe *hugs*
And the original comment was to Lisa...we're both so thrilled that you have given us so much laughter and joy lately. Thank you for the amusement.
I suggested that Maggie delete it, though it was mostly tongue in cheek. Lisa should have done that with the first comment and not been so damn righteous about it. But I realize her need for drama is spurring her on.
I'm not even gracing your stupid "Sam I Am" comments with an answer. I realize you may not recognize sarcasm (sar-kah-zum) but come on.
I'm a part of it because YOU commented to something NOT in your journal NOT directed to you and NOT effecting you in any way, shape or form. YOU felt the need to add your less than intelligent response to something I said to NOT YOU and yet expect that I'm not going to comment back. And again....this comment was NOT TO YOU!
Hmmm....are you starting to notice a pattern? You really just can't go away and leave people alone, can you?
As a matter of fact, I do. And one that's quite true to form, I might add. You can not refrain from commenting to things that have NOTHING to do with you though. You're just not getting that. I had already stated that the comment I posted was not supposed to be posted where it was. However, it wasn't posted to you AT ALL, yet you felt the need to comment.'s so sweet of you to be so obsessed with me that you can't resist contacting me. But I don't swing that way, little girl. Thanks for the flattery anyway.
Awe hunny, don't flatter yourself. Most people on the planet would have better taste than you. And yes i'm commenting, and yes you don't know who I am. I don't care for you to know me either. Stop insulting my friends. You think you're so smart, and sweet, and cute. Like WTF? Who the F are you?
Ok, I will keep it up. I love how you guys keep going on and on about Lisa's right to say whatever she wants in her lj, but Lyn and I cant do the same. How hypocritical of you, or should I say how utterly conservative christian of you. kinda makes me laugh, ya know? both of you have your own lives, but you keep going off in here, so congratulations on being what you are complaining about. It's mighty big of you.
You can say seems to be one of the few words you know. You can even say conservative or christian...LOL That's classic and I never claimed to be either.
As for going off....I'm clearly stating my opinion and defending comments that I've made previously...I wasn't aware that there was a problem with that. My original comment was NOT supposed to be commented to you. I posted it to the wrong entry. I am sorry, but seeing as how it's caused so much conversation and debate, it's obvious that it hit a nerve for obvious reasons.
LOL I'm still hysterical over the conservative christian crap. That's just classic. Thank you for that laugh tonight.
Now seriously children...this game is getting a little ridiculous, don't you think?
Since my original comment was deleted as an obvious attempt to pretend to be better than thou and increase your own poor me crap...I'll just repost.
Wow. I'm actually quite shocked that ANYONE has that much free time. It must be nice to be that bored. Everytime I read one of the comments from your fan club, I keep hearing the song, "I don't wanna grow up, I'm a toys r us kid..." in my head. LOL
I'm actually quite shocked that Miss 5th grade education with a 3rd grade intelligence level hasn't responded to my comment. I figured I'd be told to read "Sam I Am" or "Green Eggs and Ham" next. Hmmm...go figure.
I must say...the immaturity from your fans just amuses me to no end. LOL
I'll talk to you on AIM so we can point and laugh at stupid people together. hehehe
And the original comment was to Lisa...we're both so thrilled that you have given us so much laughter and joy lately. Thank you for the amusement.
I suggested that Maggie delete it, though it was mostly tongue in cheek. Lisa should have done that with the first comment and not been so damn righteous about it. But I realize her need for drama is spurring her on.
I'm not even gracing your stupid "Sam I Am" comments with an answer. I realize you may not recognize sarcasm (sar-kah-zum) but come on.
Hmmm....are you starting to notice a pattern? You really just can't go away and leave people alone, can you?
As for going off....I'm clearly stating my opinion and defending comments that I've made previously...I wasn't aware that there was a problem with that. My original comment was NOT supposed to be commented to you. I posted it to the wrong entry. I am sorry, but seeing as how it's caused so much conversation and debate, it's obvious that it hit a nerve for obvious reasons.
LOL I'm still hysterical over the conservative christian crap. That's just classic. Thank you for that laugh tonight.
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