I deeply apologize, but:

May 02, 2005 15:29

Normally, I try and avoid political discussions. Just like Shour mentioned before, they generally do more to alienate friends and piss people off than they do to actually accomplish anything.

Still, I feel compelled to mention this because it is my one personal pet-peeve, and it is the only aspect of political discussion that I feel somewhat confident talking about.

Evolution on Trial in Kansas

Honestly, I have no problems with creationists. I have a number of good friends, whose friendship I value dearly, who consider themselves creationists. I respect their beliefs, and they respect mine.

What frustrates me is that people abuse the language of "critical thinking" and "exposing the weaknesses of evolutionary theory," which of course SHOULD be an aspect of good science, in order to push thinly veiled, dogmatically-inspired pseudoscientific babble about "intelligent design" and other such nonsense. What frustrates me is how ignorant our kids are being made to the nature and methodology of science, and what constitutes a valid, logically consistent, scientific argument. What frustrates me is the ignorance of school LEADERS who obviously do not understand the methodology of science. What frustrates me is the knowledge that these children will grow up, and be susceptible to the same type of emotionally charged, aggresive, confrontation-based political BULLSHIT that is so effective nowadays because they didn't learn how to analyze problems carefully.

Science is not a democratic process. Truth is not established by voting. School boards do not understand this, and hence our children will not understand this.

*sigh.* I'm probably full of shit myself, but in my own defense I'll state that since I consider myself liberally-minded, I try to make sure that most of the political blogs, etc. that I read online are conservative. You don't learn anything from those you agree with. If you wish to argue, etc., go ahead and I'll try to listen carefully and respectfully.

OK, I'll shut up now.
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