Update on Co-Worker - Still Not Great, but maybe a little better

Oct 30, 2008 00:22

From:  XXXX, Jenny 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 6:44 PM
Subject: RE: Robin Tadaki

I spoke with Michelle a little bit ago. Robin is doing about the same maybe a little better. They tried to take him off the ventilator but had to put him back on he just wasn't ready yet, his vitals dropped. On a positive note they were able to lower his oxygen which means he is taking more breaths on his own. They are putting a feeding tube in hoping that putting food directly into his stomach will also help him come along. We all know Robin's love of food so that is a positive. Besides getting him off the ventilator the main goal is to sit him up and see if the repair they did on his heart is good. They are hoping to do this soon.

Michelle again thanked everyone for their concern and said what a good feeling it is to know Robin has such an extended family that cares.  She spoke frank and besides getting Robin home her main concern is finances and the medical bills they will be looking at. Michelle works part time at a discount store and once Robin comes home she will have to take a leave. With Robin not able to pull in some extra income like he does on weekends and her paycheck cut they are looking at some tight times.

I think our best approach to help Robin and his family is a monetary gift.  I asked her to give me some ideas of what her family likes most to eat and we will do some gift cards but the majority will be a check.

If you would like to make a contribution please send your checks or cash to me. My thought is to give this to Robin and Michelle as soon as they move him to a regular hospital room.

If anyone has any better ideas or suggestions please let me know.



I just sent a note to Rev. Bonnie to see if we can get the family on Robin's Hood's Thanksgiving Meal program. Thanks to everyone who's been praying/sending energy, and if anyone wants to help further, backchannel me: mseuphrates2@yahoo.com, and I'll keep you informed on the assistance efforts going on.

robin tadaki, prayer request

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