Is it really love for Chlollie? part 2

Aug 17, 2010 14:56

My huge Chlollie post continued ...

By the time season nine begins. Chlollie have seen the best and worst of each other. They've trusted each other. Confided in each other. Had some pretty serious discussions. Been shown to GET each other. Had fun snarking with each other. Been there for each other, started a friendship. Worked together side by side, trusted each other with their lives!  Yet ... they aren't close. We don't really see them all buddy buddy hanging out. They certainly aren't romantic, but they are nowhere near strangers.

Savior begins with Chloe in Watchtower ... with a gun.

Chloe: Did Ollie send you? I've been calling him nonstop lately. (is that the first time she's called him Ollie? I believe so.)
Emil: No, but you can stop calling. Obviously he's not gonna answer. They're gone Chloe.
Chloe: They're not gone. Ollie, Dinah, Bart, they're just vanished off the grid but ...
Emil: They don't want to be found.

With Oliver's funds, Emil revamps Watchtower, which earns a smile from Chloe. Lois tracks down Oliver. He says his phone has been MIA, so he hasn't been ignoring Chloe's calls per se.  Lois says she needs a hero. Some ninja chick is after her. Oliver tries to convince her he's not a hero. Oliver has pretty much given up.

In Rabid. Oliver is taking pills and drinking a lot. When he's in the elevator alone with Lois, he says he misses her and their days together.  Now one could conclude, given the scene in Bride (when he was in a better place) verses now when he's given up on life, that he misses being happy and that is what he's really after. That is, of course, MY opinion. I like to take into account everything I've seen over the years and not just one scene or even one season.  This seems like a good Chlollie parallel. Chloe missed Jimmy, but more missed things being easier and happier in life. Once again. All MY opinion.

Chloe: Nothing's going wrong.
Emil: Now I know why Oliver had such faith in you. He finally met someone who was a match for his confidence.

Chlollie forshadowing perhaps?  Nope, because they didn't see 'it' till Roulette. (scratches head in confuzzlement) You know what I LOVE about this so much, is that it's not one of those 'tell don't show' situations. Emil is telling us that Oliver had such faith in Chloe. Clearly he's told Emil this. AND we've SEEN that Oliver has had a lot of faith in Chloe, from the beginning!  From the point where she entered his clock tower and said she knew all about his green leather fetish, he has trusted her with his life and his work. We saw it. On our screens.  Makes even MORE sense, why it hit him so hard in Beast, that she had let him down, because he had such faith in her.

Emil: Probably no surprise that you're the one to betray him.
Chloe: Are you going to explain that not so subtle barb?
Emil: Well you've been tracking Oliver and the rest of his league, haven't you?
Chloe: Apparently you've made yourself more at home at Watchtower than I thought.
Emil: May I ask why you're spying on him?
Chloe: The longer they stay separated, the more vulnerable they are.
Emil: So you're protecting them.
Chloe: Yes. Someone has to. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the people who are the worst at taking care of themselves are the ones who the world needs the most.

Ah, the beginning of Chloe's spying. Sometimes good, sometimes too much, but the point is, she's watching out for Oliver (the others too lol)  In fact she has a bit of spyware on his belt buckle! LOL! explain that one Chloe.

Let me insert a little fic prompt for any author reading this. Scruffy dark Oliver confronts Chloe over this (preferably with a bit of adult material nudge nudge)

At the end, Oliver is a mess and burns his GA suit.

In Echo Oliver is still a mess, getting drunk, womanizing. It should also be noted that Chloe is miserable. She's cold and shut off, but she wasn't on much at the beginning of the season. I tend to think she was just as lost as Oliver, they just handle things in different ways. Oliver gives up, drinks, sleeps around. Chloe shuts down and pushes forward with work, but she's drowning just like he is.

Toyman, with the help of a bomb threat, forces Oliver to confess to his sins. He doesn't quite get the 'I am a murderer' part out because Chlark comes to his rescue. Oliver makes a choice to end his life, when he steps off the pressure plate, but nothing happens. Justin is just amazing throughout this whole scene, by the way. You can tell that all of this is weighing on him and I believe he would be relieved to find out Lex is alive.

Oliver: I wasn't just reading a laundry list of my sins in there. It was a fact sheet. Did I ever tell you how old I was when my parents died? Five. I never really knew em very well. Everything about my life, is not really mine. It's theirs. I didn't earn it and it's all a lie. You of all people know what it's like to wear a mask right? That's all this is. The Queen name, Green Arrow ... masks. And I just realized there's nothing underneath them.

First I'd like to travel back in time to season two.

Clark: Chloe what I said about your mother was way out of line.
Chloe: It's ok. We all have family secrets I guess. She left when I was five so .. I came downstairs and there was my dad trying to make waffles. He never even really explained why she left, it was weird.
Clark: I'm sorry.
Chloe: It's just hard thinking you weren't good enough for someone to love.

Yeah I too notice that they both lost something huge at the age of five, and then I wondered who raised Oliver. Anyone know that one?

Here Oliver has given up and he's saying this is all a mask, but back in Identity he told Clark just the opposite. that GA is WHO HE IS. I think Clark got that, because he says he's only running away from who he thinks he's becoming and he's not giving up on Oliver.

And now we've reached Roulette!  I think it's important to remember that Chloe says 'Roulette went off script' which means she had a script ... written by Chloe, so whatever Roulette is saying to Oliver, is Chloe's voice ... now maybe not word for word, but the general idea is still Chloe's.

Roulette: The player who can't find a game to satisfy him.

Roulette: This is just for you (the pill) I promise it'll be worth it, of course you do have a choice, but what do you have to loose?
Oliver: Absolutely nothing.

Oliver takes the pill and passes out, then wakes up in a coffin. Nice symbolism of his death and awakening. A bit cruel one might say. Chloe knows what it's like to be buried alive, well Oliver wasn't buried alive. She gave him the means to get out and knew he could do it, but does suck for Oliver.  Next Oliver hears the muffled calls for help from another coffin. He sees the coffin says 'Alexander Luthor'  he says 'Lex' and then pounds the lock to free 'Lex'  And I have no doubt Chloe's watching the whole time. This is twisted Chloe, but I think it shows her faith in Oliver every step of the way. She believes in him. Knows he can make it through. BUT she doesn't trust him completely, hence the blanks in the gun. When he opens the coffin, it's just speakers inside and cruel laughter. Next Chloe sends a dog after him and a pickup truck.

Oliver wakes up face down in the dirt. Who does he call for help? CHLOE!! He knows her number by heart too. Not Clark. Not Lois. Chloe. He just gets a voice saying it's not that easy. Next he seeks out Roulette who plays like she's in trouble.

Oliver: Why should I trust you?
Roulette: Trust your instincts. When the chips are down, they're all you have.

Chloe says TRUST yourself Oliver.

Roulette: Who did you hurt so badly that they'd want to see you dead?
Oliver: Pick a name. My personal wars have left a serious casualty list. I guess I kind of figured it was always easier for me to hurt the people I cared about then stick around long enough knowing eventually I'd end up disappointing them anyway.

Anyone think Chloe didn't hear every word of this?  Me either.

Faked Roulette's death. Cops come take Oliver away. Thinks his funds are drained, Clark comes to the 'rescue'  I don't think this was part of Chloe's plan LOL! Clark and Oliver go to Chloe for help. She's a good actress, that one.

Oliver: Chloe get my gear.
Chloe: Oliver when you turned your back on us, I locked up your arsenal hoping that one day you would want it back. But not like this.
Oliver: This is my fight Chloe. I'll handle it how I see fit.
Clark: Where did that line lead you last time?
Oliver: Look I got into this mess on my own, I'll get out the same way. With my lawyers. K Scout.

Lois gets involved and Roulette 'goes off script' according to Chloe. Oliver tracks her down and finds Lois tied up (who he mistook for Victoria at first, and almost shot...except Chloe didn't trust him with real bullets)

Oliver makes the choice NOT to shoot, before finding out it's Lois.

Roulette: I'm disappointed Oliver. You lack the killer instinct after all.

Then some scuffle and Fire and Roulette is trapped. Oliver comes to her rescue, despite everything he thinks she's done. Lois is fine, just a little knocked out. Happens nearly every episode anyway. I realize Lois could have gotten seriously hurt, but I still agree with Chloe's decision to continue. She felt Oliver's life was at stake. She only decided to do this after he tried to kill himself. She wasn't handling it all alone either. She had three superheroes helping her.

Roulette: Why did you come? You could have left me here. After everything I've put you through, no one would blame you.
Oliver: I'd blame myself. Listen. I don't care what you did or who you are, I'm gonna get you the hell out of here. I'm not gonna let you die.

Games stops. Roulette gets up. Fire goes away.

Roulette: You kept asking me who did this to you. My question was always the answer. Who did you destroy?

Roulette: I hear you're some sort of hero. One that tried to bury that part of himself. You've just proven that hero's still alive Oliver. Now it's time to resurrect him.

and yes I pretty much have to transcribe this entire next scene. I love every word and I love Genevieve Sparling for writing it!

Oliver: Nicely played. I started asking myself who knew about Lex, about Toyman, the things I'd given up, what I tried to do and it all occurred to me. Dinah shattered the glass in the warehouse. Bart rescued me from the car, Victor faked the computers and Watchtower kept an eye on the whole thing, right?
Chloe: You were living like you had a death wish Oliver. You had to face your demons if you were ever gonna make it out alive and I had to push you over the ledge in order to pull you back.
Oliver: Did you have to push me with a three ton truck?
Chloe: I didn't think a tricycle would be a strong enough point. You're a fighter, Oliver. You fought for yourself and for a second chance.

Chloe: No offense to your manhood, but I made sure your gun was loaded with blanks. I trust you Oliver, just not that much.
Oliver: Did Clark know about this?
Chloe: You can't be serious. Clark would never in a million years, risk what needed to be done.
Oliver: Well he's lead a different life than we have hasn't he? I can't expect him to know me like you do. The places that I've sunk to the depths you must have had to go to, to bring me back ... thank you.
Chloe: You proved it to yourself. Even with your face in the gutter you still had the hero in your heart.
Oliver: You saved my life Chloe. Both the myth and the man.

Lois goes to talk to Oliver about his attempted suicide.

Lois: Why didn't you come talk to me?
Oliver: Pride? Fear ... and um ... regret. The truth is I'd been fighting my demons for so long, I just wanted this war to end.
Lois: And you felt, like there was nothing in life worth fighting for?
Oliver: I never felt that way when I was with you.

I wanted to point this out because it's more evidence of my opinion on the whole Lollie rehash this season. And in Crossfire he makes a final play for Lois, telling her she's the best part of his life. I see an Oliver who's been to the darkest places in his life and is just coming out of. He's had a lot of realizations about how he's pushed people away and he has a lot of regret. Lois is a past love who's still in his life, still his friend, so he wants to reach for that happiness. Does he love her? I think so. Is he In love with her? I have my doubts. Would they have worked out if she'd said yes? I really do not think so. Clark or no Clark. I just don't think so. Anyway, this is clearly something he had to put behind him for good.

In Kandor

Oliver: Clark I know how you feel ok? But going off to confront Tess all eyes a blazin is not a good idea. You're gonna do something you regret, you understand?
Chloe: Oliver's right Clark you're not in any place ... (off zooms Clark)

in Pandora

Oliver: Hospital called and said someone requested Lois' test results .. Emil.
Clark: Why would Emil care about Lois?
Oliver: He wouldn't. Maybe the person he's working for would.
Clark: Chloe.

There's reason I'm including this tidbit, which I'll get back to. But let's skip ahead to the AU.

Lois: Am I glad to see you and your band of merry men.
Oliver: It's not my band. It's hers.

In a future where Clark abandons them and Lois doesn't come back, Chlollie turn to each other. They are still fighting side by side and apparently Oliver trusts her to lead.

In Disciple, Oliver still wants Lois, unfortunately.

Chloe: Hey. You ok? You don't look so great, which for you is not exactly easy.
Oliver: I didn't realize Lois already had a visitor.
Chloe: Come on Ollie. It's been years since you and Lois steamed up any elevator glass.
Oliver: I know. I know.

heh, @ Chloe's little compliment. As Chloe pointed out, it's been YEARS since Clois, just gives more credence to my opinion, if you ask me.  I like that she can tell he's hurting and cares enough to ask. That may not seem like much, but when I think about all the times I wished someone would given enough of a damn to ask Chloe how she's doing, I give a lot of credit for such a small thing.

Chloe tells Oliver about the archer that's impersonating him. Here she automatically believes it's someone else. Then the dark archer attacks Chloe at Watchtower and we get this conversation with Clark.

Chloe: And how many arrow toting Rambos know about Watchtower and of those how many could hack into my system?
Clark: Going after Lois? I mean it's been hard for Oliver ever since she and I have ...
Chloe: Clark I know that from the outside it doesn't seem like Oliver would ever do anything to hurt Lois and me, but his dark half might.
Clark: He left that half behind.
Chloe: Really. Don't you think he bounced back just a little bit fast? I mean maybe he suppressed it. Split personalities don't know what the other half is doing.

Chloe: A few weeks ago when Oliver saved Victoria Sinclair, he pulled his life out of the emergency lane and crossed the finish line a hero again, but he didn't do it alone. I changed a couple of tired along the way. I set the whole thing up.
Clark: What?
Chloe: He was dead hero walking Clark. I had to do something.

Clark: Pulling the trigger on Oliver, was that really necessary?
Chloe: Not if it really shattered him.

At first glance one can look at this and think OMG She thinks he's capable of this!!! She doesn't trust him! And same if you refer back to Oliver's convo with Clark in Pandora. BUT there's more going on here, IMO.  First,  Chlollie don't have perfect trust in each other. I don't expect them to. There was a trust broken the previous year (same as there was with Chlark)

Here's what stands out to me. They've both seen a very dark side to the other and they've both been surprised how far the other was willing to go. In both situations, they are confronted with evidence that suggests the other is guilty. But neither one goes off half cocked and accuses the other. They run the idea by Clark. In Pandora, we never saw much of that again. Just a quick convo with Clark and off Clark goes to accuse. HERE, Chloe tells Clark what she did and why she thinks it's possible Oliver is capable of this (notice she thinks multiple personality, not that's he's knowingly attacking her and Lois) After Clark gets upset and leaves, Chloe investigates more.

Chloe: I finished my research and they were collected, just not by Oliver. Maybe I was wrong.

Further investigation with Clark and they decide it isn't Oliver.  I'd also like to point out that Chloe said Roulette happened a few weeks prior. Weeks?  A few weeks is how long Oliver went from Roulette to wanting Lois, back to finally moving past it. Not exactly, pining forever, and I just love all these little things that keep supporting my view of things. Oliver was simply reaching for the last thing that made him happy.

In AJ we see the fun side of Chlollie again. They investigate together. They work as partners, even when he's out as GA. I love how amused he is by her. She bosses him around a bit, tells him what to do and he just smiles. He goes to pick the lock and she makes a sarcastic comment about just trying the handle and he smiles more. I think they enjoy teasing each other. Their personalities mesh and makes for some fun snarky banter when they get going.

This scene reminds me of Siren. In Siren, Chloe is knocked the ground and Oliver rushes to her side, they look on as Canary makes her escape. In AJ the reverse happens and they both look on as Hawman flies away.

Then we see nurse Chloe and a bit nervous Oliver as he tries not to stare at her, clearly effected by her close proximity.

Chloe: Maybe it's time I give up on getting the band back together. Maybe this has all been a lost cause.
Oliver: Woh! Don't give up on us yet. We maybe a bit dysfunctional, hard to wrangle at times, but when the chips are down we're always there Chloe.

Oliver might as well have dropped the us and we for me and I.

Oliver: I've never had a connection like that, at least not one that lasted.
Hawkman: Because you hide it.
Oliver: Hide what?
Hawkman: You don't want anyone to know how important they are to you, so you act like a jackass.

And then at the end we have Oliver going to Watchtower to ask Chloe out to dinner. We can make this assumption because this is Chloe's domain and most of the time, it's just her. According to Stargirl and Chloe's convo earlier in the ep, it's definitely not a hangout place. He didn't know that anyone else would be there, and the scene plays like he's asking her out, whether he's seeing romantic possibilities or not, he is there for Chloe. He throws a few glances at Jon but his focus is on Chloe.

This adds a more personal touch to the Chlollie relationship. They aren't just friends who work together and count on each other, but they are now friends who hang out in off times, as well. Add to that, Oliver is the one to get Chloe out of Watchtower. Of course she's left Watchtower, been outside this season, but this is the first time she's left to have fun.

Warrior begins with her texting Oliver. LOL! At his added 'Hooray'  Another personal touch. That's how you text a friend. Chloe thinks she's found a guy she can like, but turns out he's just a kid. Bummer. Before we move onto the best part there was a notable Oliver scene. He's at the planet and warns Clark 'You may be bullet proof but you might wanna duck and cover in there'  The scene is full of humor. Oliver is all smiles. There's no awkwardness, no  sadness, no wishing things were different. Oliver has moved on. Say it again? OLIVER HAS MOVED ON!  Good to know, because he's about to make his move on Chloe.  The question is, did he know that? Did he go to Watchtower to be with Chloe, or did he just see his opportunity when the moment comes?  Could be either. Chloe doesn't show surprise to find Oliver there shooting arrows, this might indicate that Oliver is a frequent visitor to Watchtower, for just hanging out now.

Chloe: Slow night?
Oliver: Figured I'd squeeze in some target practice and a single malt.
Chloe: Did you bring enough for the rest of the class?
Oliver: Help yourself professor.

Chloe strips off her jacket, pours herself a drink and removes her shoes. Comfort level here.

Oliver: Running a little light on allegory tonight ... bumpy day?
Chloe: Not the smoothest. Someone asked me when the last time I had a good time was and I couldn't give them an answer.
Oliver: I don't think anyone can fault you for being on edge Chloe. If anyone can relate it's me. I get it.
Chloe: Yeah you can.
Oliver: You know, sometimes you gotta take your fun where you can get it. And sometimes, it's right in front of your face, you just have to wanna see it.  Come on.

Chloe: How do I know when to let go?
Oliver: It's all about your heart. Just listen, right there in between the beats. That's when you let go.

And let's just add sex to the Chlollie equation. Conspiracy would have you believe it's a FWB deal. Hell Chloe would have you believe it's a FWB deal, but I wonder if it ever really was. It could have just been Chloe telling herself and Oliver what she wanted to believe. It was safer if she believed that's all it was. I really don't think it ever was for Oliver. I don't think he ever thought 'the only thing I want from you Chloe is sex'  Then why does he refer to her as a booty call?

Chloe: I like where this is going Romeo, but you might wanna put on some softer music.
Oliver: It's not a booty call. I think Tess Mercer might be listening. She's up to something and it involves you. She came by my office today with evidence that somebody's been cyphening money from my company. You're stealing from me.
Chloe: It's not like that.
Oliver: Right. A lot of women have used me for my money. I never expected it from you.

Why? Oliver is hurt. He feels betrayed. He did this before (see Beast) He trusted Chloe and she broke that. Make no mistake. Chloe is 100% wrong here. She lied and she stole. So she must not trust Oliver! How could this be anything real if she doesn't trust Oliver? Chloe's instincts at this point are 'trust no one'  Logic tells us that Oliver would completely back Chloe on having a plan B against the Kryptonians, but she doesn't tell him.  Like she tells Clark in Checkmate

Chloe: The less you confided in me, the less you had to depend on me.

I full believe this is exactly her train of thought. She didn't want to depend on anyone, because then they couldn't let her down. Chloe shows Oliver he arsenal of green K weapons and he hides them from her.

Chloe: Where'd you put them?
Oliver: They're in a safe place.
Chloe: Are you keeping me in the dark because I lied to you?
Oliver: Well you know Chloe, you can't have a set of rules for yourself and then a whole other set of rules for everyone else.

Oliver calls her on her double standard. Good for him. And then they decide to keep this from Clark. Together...they agree, but Chloe shows indication that she would have gone along with Oliver if he wanted to tell Clark right away. AND this is the last time Chloe lies to Oliver. Building trust back up again.

In Escape, Chlollie go away for a romantic weekend. Chloe would deny it was that, but I'm sure they could have found a better place 'off the beaten path' than a cozy little bed and breakfast. They are outed to Clois.

Chloe: Oliver and I are not a couple.
Lois: Ok sure, then what are you?
Chloe: We're ... having fun and we're not complicating things by using labels and definitions.
Lois: This is a relationship Chloe not a spelling bee.
Chloe: Look I"m glad that you have found someone that makes you happy but we're not all cut out for coupledom, and with Ollie I don't have to worry about that. Ok, we're no flowers, no presents, no pressure, no strings.

Clark: I know it's not my place to say.
Oliver: Then don't say anything.
Clark: But after everything Chloe's been through I don't wanna see her get hurt.
Oliver: That's good. You know she's stronger than you think she is though.
Clark: One of her strengths is giving people what they need and sacrificing what she wants.
Oliver: Well how do you know this isn't what she wants?
Clark: Just don't take her for granted.

And then Oliver tries to give her a present. I think what bothers her more is when she realizes Clark nudged him into it.

Oliver: Maybe a guy shouldn't take someone like you for granted.
Chloe: I didn't think you were Ollie.  Clark said something didn't he?
Oliver: It's just a gift.
Chloe: No no no no no, it's a slippery slope. Just because gifts are never just because. There's always some unspoken part like I'm sorry or I feel very strongly about you, both of which are complicated. Oliver, I wanted to keep things simple. You know like with no strings or ribbons.

This all goes back to not wanting to depend on someone, no expectations, because then they can't let you down. She tells Lois 'some of us aren't cut out for coupledom' not just her and Oliver together, but Chloe's given up on love completely. She's decided to go it alone, except for some 'fun'  But it's all just talk. I mean, she's still not letting Oliver in completely, but she is letting him in. She is trusting him and she is depending on him.

When Oliver runs into Lois he's amused but he's not taken by her. He's very much about finding Chloe.

BansheeLois: Why don't I take you to her instead. You will never win a woman's heart by waiting for her to come to you.
Oliver: Ok. You lead the way.

Notice. Lois speaks of winning Chloe's heart and there are no protestations from Oliver.

Then Chlollie have one of the best discussions ever!

Oliver: Wasn't there a time when you would have given anything to stare at that farmer's tan in all it's glory I'm guessin.
Chloe: That was a long time ago. Like in a Smallville far far away.  I mean ok, yeah I did love Clark. A lot and I waited for years for him to see that. To see ... me. But even with his x ray vision, he never did. I think more than that, I wanted someone who would ... get me. And as good a friend as Clark is he's never gonna be that person. Which is fine. Really. Those wounds healed over a thousand super saves ago. Now there's just scars.

This is the most open and honest Chloe has been with anyone. She never had anything CLOSE to this with Jimmy.  And what stands out so much is that she says a lot more than she needed to. She just completely opens up to Oliver here. I bolded the part that really stands out the most to me.  And Oliver looks a little down until she says that those wounds have healed. The same way she reacts when he talks about Lois.

Oliver: It's Clark's loss.
Chloe: What about your loss? I'm sure that Lois didn't have to drag you into the woods kicking and screaming.
Oliver: The funny thing about scars ... they're always there. It doesn't mean they haven't healed.

I think both of them knowing that the other had healed from past heartbreaks helped them to let go and really fall.

In Checkmate we see just how much these two care about each other. Silly Chloe thinks she's still fooling herself that they are still just 'having fun' I honestly don't think Oliver was ever under such illusions, more just going along with Chloe's rules. *sigh* If only we were privy to the sex and the conversation following warrior.  Chloe is so relieved that Oliver is ok, she rushes into his awaiting arms and Clark just simply disappears for her. They are lost in their own little world with little affectionate nose rubs that screams of 'we are a couple' more than 'we're just having sex'  One has to wonder how comfortable Chlollie would have gotten had Clark not spoken up.

There are many reasons to love this scene. Besides the adorableness, I love the partnership here. Once again we are shown Oliver taking the place Clark previously took in Chloe's life. He's finishing her sentence, they're brainstorming together and it's 'let's go' not,
you wait here it's too dangerous. What's more, is that Chloe goes into protect mode suggesting he 'hang his tights' for one night, and Oliver agrees with her. Oliver kind of stumbles over his words and tells her to be careful. And I LOVE the look after she leaves as if he's just appreciating everything she is and does. That really has been a constant with Chlollie. Yes they've been through rough times, said harsh things to each other, but they always held each other in high regard. Maybe that is why it matters so much when the
other one stumbles or falls.

Chloe is captured by Checkmate and we get this look from Oliver

Chloe: Thanks for keeping my seat warm at Watchtower.
Oliver: You're welcome. Don't get used to it.
Chloe: Aww but your timing is so good. I mean if you hadn't flipped that castle's electric switch when you did I would have been ...
Oliver: Chloe?
Chloe: But you know, I kind of like being out on the field knowing I had a warm bed to come home to ...
Oliver: Well that's very very funny .... You scared the life out of me.
Chloe: You better be careful Ollie. I'm gonna start to think you're falling for me.

Walking down the street holding hands? Come on Chloe, just give it up! LOL!  I kinda think she did at this point. Oliver certainly isn't trying to pretend otherwise.

Not much in Charade, but Oliver is sending her text messages and Chloe's going gooey over them, and then catching herself going gooey over them lol.

and then there's this

Chloe: Hey do you ever check your voice mail?
Clark: It looks like someone missed breakfast in bed with Oliver this morning.
Chloe: I'm not here to talk about my love life.

That's right. She said LOVE, not sex life.

In upgrade Oliver came home and found Chloe in her cute little cleaning outfit and they had sex on the Watchtower floor ;o)

Sacrifice had some very important scenes.

Tess: Oliver's voice wavered when I told him that Watchtower had been kidnapped and I've seen the way he looks at you. It's the little things a girl tends to notice.

awww Tess, you little Chlollie shipper you.

Clark: I need to find Zod.
Oliver: You know Chloe, she's got this really big building filled with a lot of expensive stuff I paid a lot of money for. She could probably help you out with that.
Clark: The last thing that we need is to have a weapon like Watchtower fall into the wrong hands. I want to keep Chloe out of the line of fire. I figured you'd agree with that.
Oliver: Keep Chloe out of the line of fire? What the hell is going on?

Tess: This entire building was programmed to prevent anyone from getting close to you.
Chloe: Yeah I guess I lost my faith in people a long time ago too.
Tess: That's why you won't let Oliver get close to you.
Chloe: And why I can't blame him when he eventually leaves.
Tess: He's not going to leave you. With you he has a purpose. I wish I could have given him that and it kills me. You have everything right in front of you and you can't even see it.

Chloe has some big realizations here. Everything Tess says, we've seen, except for Tess seeing Oliver looking at Chloe, which I'm sure EVERY Chlollie fan would have loved to see on our screens, but we have seen 'the way Oliver looks at her'. Chloe can't possibly think she's 'just having fun' at this point, with what she says here. Of course it makes perfect sense that she's been TRYING to fool herself because she's afraid of the day he'll leave. Everyone always has, starting with her own mother at age five. This fear goes way way back for her and just keeps being reinforced. Even Clark, who she thought she could always count on.

I love how Chloe and Oliver's stories somewhat parallel, in that they are both faced with decisions where, previously, they had done the wrong thing and this time they choose right. Oliver chooses to listen to Clark and not go behind his back 'Sure man, I got your back' and Chloe is faced with letting Tess die, but she chooses to save Tess. This is kind of freaking huge, considering the last time Chloe chose to save the 'bad guy' she lost everything.

In Hostage Chloe has another breakthrough of sorts and it's largely due to Oliver. He essentially saved her the same way she saved him, because I really don't think Chloe would have gotten to this point of healing if she didn't have Oliver in her life.

Chloe: Clark when you disappeared from my life I retracted into Watchtower. And as I became big brother I ... I guess more like big sister. It's easy to think that having all the information is the same as having all the answers. But I can't be the eye in the sky anymore Clark and now that I have Ollie I ... I wanna plug into the real world. Virtual reality bites.

Which brings us to Salvation! whew! Did you think we'd ever get here? You probably didn't know there was so much to Chlollie. To be honest, neither did I. We start out with Chloe talking to Oliver via video and Chloe looking awesome in green leather. Seriously. Have you ever seen to people look so good in green leather as these two do?

Oliver: When war breaks out I wanna be in the foxhole with you.
Chloe: Oh! Ok.
Oliver: Because uh ...
Chloe: Right. Because we need to protect Watchtower's database.
Oliver: Yeah, yeah the database is's important.

Clearly NOT what Oliver wanted to say, but the fact that 'when war breaks out, when we possibly die, when the world could possibly come to an end for us' He wants to be with her? Says it all doesn't it?

WHY did they have Chloe change from her awesome green leather? We could have seen double the green leather in one scene! We see Chlollie stand as a united front and we see them both choosing to do things Clark's way. Is Clark's way right? I'm not going to make that judgment, but what's more important is that Chlollie have learned and grown and healed from their experiences and past heartaches.

Oliver: You gotta let her go Clark. She's trying to be strong. When your oldest friend leaves there's no way to say goodbye.

Now I think they did this because they didn't wanna do a Chlark goodbye, which I personally think is a cop out, but let's focus on the Chlollie. Doesn't it feel like Oliver is once again stepping into Clark's previous place in Chloe's life? Maybe that doesn't sound right. I mean I know that no one can take Clark's place in Chloe's heart, in certain ways. What they've meant to each other, mean to each other and (hopefully) will mean to each other will always be. That's Chlark, but at the same time Oliver is taking a place in Chloe's life that Clark used to have. There's never been a person in Chloe's life that I felt she would put before Clark, until now. NOW I can truly see her making Oliver her priority. And here is Oliver explaining to Clark, how Chloe feels, showing a complete understanding of Chloe's feelings. He GETS her.

Oliver has a surprise for Chloe. Chloe accepts the gift. Oliver made it impossible for her to turn it down LOL!  Of course this time it wasn't about proving something to Clark or Chloe or whoever else. In fact when he got it he was probably just dying to see the look on her face when he gave it to her.

Oliver bought Chloe a satellite!  WOW!!  That's just the gift of all gifts. Sorry I have no idea who said this, but I read a comment on k site how this was great symbolism for 'he sees her'  (refer back to Escape)  Oliver surprises her with a kiss and the looks ... well words can't describe.

Oliver: Houston we got a problem.
Chloe: Are you at the satellite station yet?
Oliver: Yeah I'm way ahead of you but I'm a little lost. I need you to be my own personal map quest if you don't mind.
Chloe: Alright, what's your twenty?
Oliver: I'm inside the air ducts right now. Access through the main grid is through one of the routing panels.
Chloe: Ok mole man, just think happy thoughts and keep on tunneling. Let me know when you've reached the T.
Oliver: I hate small spaces. Ok completed the first level. I'm at the T.

Oliver: You gotta admit I know how to treat a girl on date night.
Chloe: Sure next week do you think maybe we could just grab some Tai food and catch a movie?
Oliver: That sounds like a good plan but for tonight you're gonna have to settle for streaming Satellite video.
Chloe: Hey the link is up! Why don't you make your way home?

Chloe: Ollie you need to get out of there now.
Oliver: Chloe if they find the signal they could trace me back to you! I gotta go!
Chloe: No Ollie No!
Oliver: Chloe!
Chloe: Ollie!
Oliver: Chloe I love you!
Chloe: I love you!

I love the little smiles Chloe has throughout this conversation. She loves her some Oliver!

A lot of Chlollie happened off screen, but looking back at their history is it really so hard to believe that these two fell in love?

I don't know about you, but I was completely shocked that they said I love you. I REALLY did not expect that, and any time it was speculated I thought it was way too soon, but then it happened, and you know what. It worked. I don't think they would have said it, if not for these circumstances, but they did and I believe it. Chloe and Oliver love each other.

thus ends the longest post I've ever written! Whew!  Did you read it all? If you did, you must be one obsessed Chlollie fan ;o)


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