Oct 26, 2007 12:06
Well, it's been almost exactly a year since I've posted here. I check lj daily, reading my friends list and checking in on communities all while envying the people who are successful journalers. I don't know what it is about me, but I think about journaling and how wonderful it must be to be able to look back on your entries and keep them as memories but I never actually write. So, I'll try again. A lot has changed in the past year...here's a rundown:
November 06
My cousin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Maya
Just a few days later, my grandmother passed away after a long battle with Parkinson's Disease
December 06
Threw a baby shower for my older sister
My younger sister celebrated her 18th birthday :)
Merry Christmas!
January 07
One year engage-aversary
Happy Birthday Mom and Older Sister
February 07
My first nephew, William Matthew, was born on February 8
March 07
Happy 25 birthday to me!
My cousin gave birth to her first baby, Gianna
Congratulations to Lori & Steve on their wedding
April 07
My Bridal shower, what fun :)
May 07
Attend wedding for good friend, congratulations Nicole and Patrick :)
Apply for a new job within the school district
Become obsessed with finishing all wedding details
Spa Day Bachelorette Party :)
June 07
Hired for new job in school district
Become even more obsessed with finishing all wedding details
Married! June 30, 2007
July 07
Honeymoon: Cruise on the Queen Mary to the Bahamas followed by some fun in Vegas
Billy's Christening
Return to work and start new job
Attend Chris' cousin wedding, congratulations Maddalena and Gino
Happy Birthday Dad
Happy Birthday Husband
August 07
Spend many days at the beach, enjoying the end of summer
Begin house hunting
Prepare for the start of the school year
September 07
Spend countless hours at school getting new school year off to a great start
House hunt
Find the perfect house, put in an offer, lose the house
Find an even more perfect house, make an offer, sign contract, yay!
And here we are at the end of October. The last year has been filled with celebrations and change. I think I'm handling it well although I'd be lying if I said it was all easy. I have a few regrets but try to live without focusing on them. I have a lot more to post about (my nephew, the new job, the wedding, the house) but I will write about them all separately to give them the credit they deserve, and of course, pictures!