la dolce vita ~chapter 1~

Sep 21, 2010 23:26

Title: la dolce vita
Author: msdesireen
Characters: Akanishi, Kamenashi, Nakamaru, OC
Rating: PG-13 [for mentions of alcohol and hinted BL in later chapters]
Genre: Slice of life, AU
Beta by: myself?
Disclaimer: The plot is mine. The boys aren't.
Summary: La dolce vita, Italian for “the sweet life” or “the good life”, is something everyone would like to ( Read more... )

la dolce vita, fanfiction

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kk_me September 23 2010, 14:07:07 UTC
I love Maru fics. They have a different feel to them. And I love this fic. You've managed to squeeze in a bar, a cafe, ramen shop all in one, somehow all linked together. I apologise for this comment lacking the beautiful insight and intelligence that's always in your comments... I'm not feeling too well right now, but as I had promised to read you, I popped by.
As I was saying, the feel. It's different. There's a maturity, as well as an awkwardness to his character, which I like, and which you've successfully been able to communicate. Of course, how could I expect any less from you. I'm not used to OCs, though I'm sure you'll help me through that. The 'she' here is quite interesting. Will Nakamaru fall in love with her? That would be strange, somehow Nakamaru never really... well, but still, it's nice to see this side of him. It's truly a mystery!
I want to keep reading. The first chapter was of healthy length but I have a feeling you just didn't give me enough... I want more of it, I want more of you.. your writing is lovely, and I have missed it so much. <333


msdesireen September 24 2010, 08:15:40 UTC
sorry for the lack in insights while commenting on your recent fic. I enjoyed black cotton a hell lot though XDDD
I hope you're better already.
I'm still debating about Nakamaru falling in love with her. It is indeed strange and we've never seen this side of him have we? Well, I'll keep trying things out and talking with this certain maru to work something out.
Looking forward to future comments~ ^^


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