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Jun 25, 2018 23:42

Well, I just finished a 4 day stretch at work...first one I've done in awhile. Overall it went ok. I got very tired. I just tried to rest when I could. Today I had a strange occurance. I got "chest pain" and stuff. It's happened before. I told my doctor and he hasn't seemed concerned. I think it could have been gas as I burped a lot and soon felt better. If it happens again, I guess I should make an appointment. I'm just taking one week at a time as far as the OT goes. We really can use the money to get caught up on our bills.
Today was just 7a.m.-12:30 p.m. I came home and did dishes and put in a load of wash. I had a chiropractor appointment for an adjustment and massage. I had her do cupping on my left arm too. I met my hubby out at the lake for dinner. It was a bit windy which made it chilly, so we didn't stay long. I could not stand the weeds in my little garden area there any more, so I sucked it up and pulled them. I had been avoiding it as I seem to always get poison ivy in that particular area! I went right home and showered with poison ivy soap! Keep your fingers crossed for me to not get it! I put some more wash in & burned our burnables. Then, being in the weeding mood I did some yard work at home including weeding and trimming a bush and tree! Then I took another shower with poison ivy soap! (Can't be too careful, lol!!!) Tonight I finished the wash, stripped our bed and the guest bed (as we are getting company on Friday night) and am currently washing the bed sheets. I put some of the wash away and picked up a bit. I feel like there is so much to do before Friday and I work long hours Wed, Thurs, & Fri...sigh. Well, whatever gets done will just have to be ok!
I decided with the longer work hours to change up my drinks a bit. What I normally have for work has artificial sweeteners in...but now that I'm working more I'm not really comfortable with that. So tomorrow, instead of "diet peach tea" I'm going to get just unsweetened tea. And, the coffee I stop for in the morning I plan to just get cream and no artificial sweeteners or sugarfree vanilla. It'll be a bit of an adjustment, but I can do it! It might get have contributed to my not feeling well today. I have even heard too much can cause seizures! Yikes!!! I don't need them!
I did not do my 2 times around the block today. I figured all the gardening etc. counted! Plus, I am so sore. In hindsight, it may have not been the smartest to do all I did after a nice relaxing time at the chiropractors...oh well.
Have a mammogram in the a.m. so I'll bid you a restful 🌃.
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