Sep 17, 2008 17:05
I've been married for 1 month. My grandma sent me mail addressed to Meagan Bryant. I guess it hasn't sunk in yet. I keep being surprised when I see it or someone calls me it. Jeremy's bank called me yesterday and asked if this was Mrs. Meagan Bryant. I almost told her she had the wrong number... and then I realized that she didn't. weird stuff man.
As a result of not working, I've basically had not much to do, so I'm working on the whole keeping the apartment cleanish and cooking dinner. Thus far, I think I've become a bit more of a neat-freak, not so much with the squeeky clean but picked up is good. Also, I might be getting slightly better at cooking. It's cool. Jeremy and I cooked tuscan garlic chicken last night and I made apple crisp. Granted I haven't eaten it yet, but according the half-eaten bag of twizzlers, mostly empty can of pringles, and my full tummy, I think I've eaten enough for this week. I'll make jeremy try it tonight.
ok. sadly the events of an entire week can be summed up in 2 dinky paragraphs. dammit. bye.