You're right. That would be so much better. I'll go pick up Tessa in the teleporter and we'll be right there. (Can we put a dollop of fluff in Tessa's cocoa? She really likes it that way!)
I'm easy. No whipped cream, no fluff. Just very hot cocoa. And how about if I make tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch? That's my favorite winter comfort lunch. It's perfect after tromping in the snow and getting your shoes, socks, and pant legs wet.
I love tomato soup and grilled cheese. I think it sounds like a much nicer lunch than the one I'm about to microwave for myslef in the lab. I think that after playing in the snow and having lunch there should be board games in front of a fire followed by naps and watching movies.
And how about if I make tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch? That's my favorite winter comfort lunch. It's perfect after tromping in the snow and getting your shoes, socks, and pant legs wet.
I think that after playing in the snow and having lunch there should be board games in front of a fire followed by naps and watching movies.
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