Dec 05, 2005 15:23
As this is the last week of classes, it is most likely going to be a bitch. Being an english major is usually good...because the number of tests we take our few and far between...but I have to wonder if I would prefer those other the portfolios always asked of us. I'm guessing that would be a big fat yes.
I just realized an additional section necessary for my Eng 296 portfolio due wednesday. I thought I had that one in the bag...what w/ just compiling all the work I've ever done. Guess NOT. That means I'll most likely be chaining myself to the computer lab in Degarmo tomorrow night as well.
Tonight calls for the completion of my lesson plans assignment that is actually due today...but my teacher doesnt need to know its not done. Its turned in via livetext and she just had a death in the family. The odds are in my favor.
If I can get that done tonight, type up my observation reports, put together my Eng 296 portfolio, and study for my C&I 233.01 final tomorrow night, I should be golden. Then the only thing left is to fix my senior thesis and write a bullshit essay for part 2 of the C&I 233.01 fine and I'm dooone.
I've been waiting for this moment all semester...and I keep saying "yes! I'm done w/ more ISU". But then it hit me. I'm not done w/ college yet. I still have to student teach! And, if I thought this semester was hard my friends, I'm in for a real treat next semester. GOD that shit is gonna suck. Why cant I just be finished now??!!
Ugghhhh. To make matters worse, I was just hit by a horrible headache/stomach ache combo. Its always nice when your body randomly decides to sabotage you.
NOT TO MENTION! I think I seriously got superficial frostbite over the weekend working lights up. My toes are still tingly and slightly numb from standing in the snow for 8 hrs on saturday. Not a good sign my friends.
Just gotta keep thinking...3 weeks to hawaii. Ohh I cannot wait...