Mar 22, 2008 14:18
We rolled into Bellingham at 6:30 this morning. Brooke had to work the early shift in order to be able to play a show tonight. There really is no place like home, Bellingham is a pretty amazing place and it's good to get away every once in a while in order to appreciate it. The trees are pink and white right now, the air smells great, winter is green, not brown.
As much as people complain about our music scene, it's bigger and better than almost every other town we played in. Austin definitely has us beat but they have most of the country beat. We have live music somewhere here almost every night including all ages, house shows and bar shows. We have venues that have stages and sound systems, even if they're not the 3B. We are saturated with GOOD bands and great musicians that encourage, inspire and support each other. We have a monthly magazine dedicated to music along with weekly and daily papers that cover local music. Crowds here clap. Really, we've been to places don't have crowds that even clap! Even for the local band they came to see!
We're such a better band than we were two weeks ago. Playing 12 shows in 18 days for strangers is a great way to improve quickly.
I've grown as an individual too. Spending 24 hours a day with the same three people for two weeks is a character builder for sure.
I can't wait to do this again. We were asked in every town by at least one person when we would be back and have been offered lots of help for the next time around.