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Apr 24, 2009 01:46

And we wondered why there was no press for the Soloist?

How to Piss off Iron Man:

How to Piss Off Iron Man at The Soloist Press Conference

Written by Seth Abramovitch | 10 Apr 2009, 1:24 PM

The amazing thing about attending a press conference presided over by Robert Downey Jr.-in this case, for The Soloist, in a conference room at the Beverly Hills Four Seasons-is just how, well, Robert Downey Juniorish the actor is. You’re half-waiting for him to reveal, “I am Iron Man” at any given moment. Take this opening exchange:

First Journalist: I’ve got to ask. What do you think [Tropic Thunder Method actor] Lincoln O’Siris would think of Jamie’s performance in this?
Robert Downey Jr.: Next question.

Robert Downey Jr.: By the way I could just say that to all them.

First Journalist: Do you think he’d approve?

Robert Downey Jr.: I have no idea how to even begin answering that question. And by the way-I want to have a good time. I want to have a great time, just that one tied my fucking shoelaces together right off the bat. What else you got?

Second Journalist: So I’ll kiss your ass and maybe it’ll be better.

Robert Downey Jr.: I don’t think that’s the answer either. Yeah, you do your thing and I’ll do mine.

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