Oh, for goodness' sake.

Aug 07, 2011 15:10

Honestly, can't take S anywhere. Thoroughly embarrassed Darren in front of everyone, which was interesting to watch from the outside, although I think he could have been a little less harsh to the poor man. Not really cross though, I was under no illusions about the lasting power of that relationship.

Here's the thing, you see. I liked Darren, he was nice and he treated me like a lady. But he wasn't for me. There was nothing else there except vague mutual affection and a equally vague desire not to die alone. I wanted to see if he fit in with the boys as a sort of 'Is it worth going on', but he really didn't. And challenging S to 'deduce me' is sort of asking for trouble at the best of times. If nothing else, I can't really see any man lasting if he doesn't get on with my guys, so I suppose it's for the best.

Also he didn't get why you would spend so much time building a giant tortoise in Minecraft.

Anyway, after Darren left I had a lovely evening. The new place is great, John, you must be so pleased. I give those nice white tiles about five minutes though. And Mike? Never change. I will treasure the image of you on the sofa forever.

I guess in the morning I'll have to explain things to Holly, but hopefully she won't mind too much.

Next week the glazier's coming to put in a catdoor. I already took advantage of the neighbours being away to put a plank from the bottom of the fire-escape to the ground, so His Nibs can get up and down. Hopefully they won't notice/mind, the bins are on the other side of the escape, so they shouldn't even see it.

rigor mortis, fail, confusion, real life, charmer, these things happen to me, oh no, up close and personal, awkwarrrd, foot in mouth, socialising, old friends

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