Yuletide Author Post

Oct 08, 2016 17:15

It's that time again! I'm actually participating in Yuletide for a change, so here's my public request letter.

As always, I apologize to the people on my flist who aren't on my fanfic filter and who don't care about this stuff, but this is one post that has to be left public. It shall be cut for your protection.

I'm afraid I'll once again be borrowing heavily completely copying from earlier years' letters, partially because I'm once again short on time but also because I'm a creature of habit. :)

First of all, thank you for the time you'll be putting in working on this, I really am looking forward to reading what you write for me. Like, lots.

Here are a few things I tend to look for in a fic beyond what I asked for in my requests:

  • Pairings: My preferences (if any) should have been fairly clear from the requests, but in general I prefer canon pairings. I like het better than slash, and I like gen best of all. It's not a squick, but a strong preference.

  • Explicitness: While I like a good bit of smut as much as the next person, I'm really really particular about the smut I read. I'd prefer it if the story was kept below an 'R' rating just in general.

  • Genre: While I'm usually a big fan of the angst, that's not necessarily what I'm looking for at yuletide. Introspective is good, serious is good, but emotional anguish is probably going a bit far.

  • Holiday Trappings: If you're thinking of going in that direction I'd like to politely request that you not. I'm not a Christian, I don't celebrate Christmas and I'm not particularly interested in a Christmas-based story.

  • As for the fandoms themselves, here's a few additional things I thought of:

    Generally: I chose no ratings because I was (quite literally) a last minute signup and I was more concerned about getting the requests in than figuring out ratings. My preferences on that front should be clear from the list above. As for violence, I figure you should know the fandoms well enough to know what level/type of violence should be appropriate.

    Request 1: The Monkees (TV) (Peter Tork (Monkees (TV)) Mike Nesmith (Monkees (TV)) Micky Dolenz (Monkees (TV)) Davy Jones (Monkees (TV)) - As always, optional details are optional. If you don't want to make use of Good Times, I'll understand. I do still request hijinks and no slash, though.

    Request 2: ねこあつめ | Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector - There's not much to say about this one, I love Neko Atsume for cute kitties and the fact that I find it relaxing. A nice, sweet story would be lovely.

    Request 3: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci - Diana Wynne Jones (Conrad Tesdinic) - I just love Conrad, really. Anything is welcome here.

    Request 4: The Fionavar Tapestry (Sharra of Cathal) - I think I captured it in my request, but if that's not something you want to tackle, I understand.

    Request 5: The Sting (Johnny Hooker) - Again, short and sweet. The war changed America, what did it do for Johnny Hooker? I'd love to know. :)

    Request 6: Tiger & Bunny (Karina Lyle | Blue Rose) - She's young, she's capable, she's got a lot to figure out, and is carrying a lot of responsibility while having to do it. She's just so full of possibility that I thought a story with her at the center would be a fun read.

    There's probably other things I could say or come up with, but those are the major things that come to mind right now so I'll leave the rest up to you! Have fun writing because I know I'll enjoy reading it, no matter what you choose to write. Oh, and if you're looking for indications of what kind of things I write or read, I (used to) store my fic at msc_fic on LJ, and there are some stories I've enjoyed favorited in the memories section there. I have also got favorites on my ff.net page, though that stuff is all pretty old. (I still haven't quite gotten around to sorting through or making use of AO3 yet...)

    This entry was crossposted from http://mscongeniality.dreamwidth.org/1068149.html. Please feel free to read or comment at either location.


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