Yuletide Drive-by Reccing

Dec 25, 2010 19:17

I'm sure I will do a real Yuletide recs post this year, but I just needed to get this out of the way first. I received two insanely awesome Saiyuki Gaiden fics that I recommend wholeheartedly and without reservation as they are just fabulous. They are both set either pre-Gaiden or early in the Gaiden story so they avoid the...baggage that comes along with the ending. The two of them balance each other, completely, and between them, you really get a feel for the range of this story.

The first one I read was:

everything here is yours (1445 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Saiyuki Gaiden
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Konzen Douji, Goku
Summary: There are some things that bureaucracy was not made to deal with.

This story is made up of everything delightful about the dynamic between Konzen and Goku. Seriously, it's spot on. There are hijinks and scowling and a cameo appearance by Tenpou. It is made of love and win.

The second story I read was:

hungry as winter (1558 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Saiyuki Gaiden
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Tenpou Gensui
Summary: This is what the army of heaven does.

This is a showcase of so much of what I love about Tenpou's character. It's a darker story, violent and still note perfect. I particularly like the ending and a cameo by Konzen.

My Yuletide author really did beautifully with this pair of stories.

I haven't read much more yet, though I have marked a few stories for later. One that I did read based on a rec, and really need to re-rec myself is a piece of pure, unadulterated crack and meta. If you can see the humor in the following sentence:

This is the most splendorous of treats to find in your Yuletide stocking which I knitted for you using yarn spun from the hair of unicorn tails, none of whom were harmed in the making.

...then you will enjoy the hell out of this fic. It is a thing of beauty and must be read.

Meta Yuletide Fic (The Fic You Wish Your Fic Smelled Like) (2367 words) by Anonymous
Fandom: Yuletide Fandoms (Anthropomorfic), TV Commercials, Old Spice Guy (Commercials), Fandom RPF, TV Tropes (Anthropomorfic)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Old Spice Guy (Commercials) - Character, Old Spice Man - Character
Why hello, Yuletide reader. Why don't you sit down for a bit? Get comfortable, because when you click my link you will be reading a work of such magnificence that you won't be able to look away, even if a crew of zombies breaks through your window and bites your neck.

In other news, I think this is my only Gaiden userpic and that makes me sad. I will need to remedy this situation.

This entry was crossposted from http://mscongeniality.dreamwidth.org/65073.html. Please feel free to read or comment at either location.
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