Oct 27, 2009 22:49
Well...lotsa stuff happening...but I don't know what to say or where to start or what...ever
The biggest thing was just saying bye to Amber... she is off on her grand adventure, moving to Arizona, and she is likely to be out of touch for a while. I find I'm pretty anxious that I haven't heard from her, and she only left yesterday!
No sign of any news on her blog, or even on her friend Dan's blog (if I found the right one...maybe a different Dan :} No news...anxious...buggin me! Well hopefully something soon, after all, Amanda at work is anxious to hear the next chapter of this story (and SO AM I!) :}
but already I spent some time with one of my "neglected" friends that I haven't spent much time with these past several weeks... and tonight I spent just watching House season 6 ep 1..awesome. probably better than usual because I had to WATCH it on Hulu, instead of on DVD where I could just have it on in the background and ignore it while I play on the puter.
Tomorrow is Halloween at work...of course I will be bah humbug as usual, and won't dress up, but I'll be happy to see some students coming (coming, one M!) through in costume. Best costume wins a little I-POD thingy.
I had a doc visit Friday...lab work will be back later this week...for now though, high blood pressure meds, and news that I tore my inner ligament on my right knee, last November. "See this? Your leg shouldn't do this.." *bending my foot to the right of my knee*
What else do I have to say...oh, apartment hunting, probably...need to make some sort of decision about next year's lodgings by Dec 15th, which is when we'll lose the bonus offer from this place ($20 off the place per month for next year) "Year" being August through July, 2010-2011. Stupid college leases :P
And...I'm tired...sleep time.
Life is good