wow... 11 weeks since last update!

Apr 04, 2008 18:00

well, here I am!!

I've lost interest in World of Warcraft again...and I think that is what is bringing me back to the rest of the world ;) I haven't played much WoW in a couple weeks, and I plan on letting my account lapse, in a couple more weeks. Maybe I'll get into it again, but who knows when.

I'm excited to be back in a sexual mood, and doing online roleplays a lot more again..I even met a new lover today!

About a week ago, I sent off e-mails to everyone in my address book I did not recognize, and also a few e-mails off to people I just haven't spoken with for was interesting getting responses back, and recognizing these people again.

But a couple I really hoped to get responses from, I've gotten nothing on. I was desperately hoping to hear again from my Canadian artist friend....I still don't understand why she left so suddenly, and what happened to convince her to not speak at all to me anymore... I admit that just drives me crazy, not knowing what happened there. Feel helpless too, because I will never know, unless somehow she decides to speak to me again.

Another e-mail I really hoped to get a reply from was addressed to my old Dutch love, Deana. Sadly the only address I have for her is no longer active...I got back my letter within an hour...undeliverable. So...I fear she is gone forever, except for the good memories I have of her. Perhaps that is best...the last times I saw her, it always seemed bittersweet, and more bitter than sweet... I missed the pure love and lust we shared with each other, before it became tainted with might have beens...

And a last e-mail I have not heard from yet, a friend villianess, that I used to get in lovely wrestling/pinning/trussing matches hot fun.

For gaming fun, I'm currently back into playing Civilization IV (Warlords expansion, but not Beyond the Sword, yet) and also playing a bit with Pokerstars...texas hold-em craze hasn't caught me exactly, but it is interesting for a few hands or so....

only 5 more weeks of work before summer! Life is good
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