Jun 29, 2005 02:40
ok...school ended and riht now its summer. alot of things have happend. i got kicked out od school. i found out i have a 1.83 GPa but it is beter than my last 1.09 GPA. alot of change is happeneing rigt now in my life and i hate it but guess what. im gonna have a beter car than all of u cause im kool ahahaahahahahahaha. no im jk but still lol im excited. either a 530i BMw or X5 Bmw or anything else within my price range. and if i like u u will be sitting inside of it. and nicole is gonna be in the trunk. lol jk i love u nicole. anyway my mom said i might be able to go to DAS with nicole and julian AKA my sister and my brother in law. lol. its way better than fairax with the gangster people. ok well im buying an isalnd with niolce when were rich and a mansion so u guys can visit.