Name (or alias): Megan / Megs / Meegs / Meegan
mschneiderAIM SN: liddlevonskittle
Name: Carlisle Anthony Rousseau
carlislerPlayed By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Carlisle is just shy of six foot. No one would ever use the word 'buff' to describe the boy, but perhaps the word 'scrawny' would do. He's constantly fighting his natural hair colour -- brown -- with colouring spells that leave his hair a light blonde. Green eyes, he's always thought, look much better with light coloured hair. His skin, thanks to proper grooming, is usually clear of blemishes and healthy in colour. Not particularly pale by any means. (Alex Pettyfer)
Age/Birthdate: Sixteen, December 16th, 1989
For Reference:
Seventh Years: September 2nd 1988 - September 1st 1989
Sixth Years: September 2nd 1989 - September 1st 1990
Fifth Years: September 2nd 1990 - September 1st 1991
Fourth Years: September 2nd 1991 - September 1st 1992
Third Years: September 2nd 1992 - September 1st 1993
Second Years: September 2nd 1993 - September 1st 1994
First Years: September 2nd 1994 - September 1st 1995
Gender: Male
Wand: 9" Holly, Dragonstring core
Blood: Pureblood
Birthplace/Location: Newcastle, England
Status or Class: Upper middle class. He's by no means rich, but his family is considerably comfortable.
Pet Name/Species: Mister Anderson, cat
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: T
Charms: E
Herbology: D
History of Magic: T
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Divination: D
Optional Other Subject: N/A
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: A
Herbology: N/A
History of Magic: N/A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: A
Optional Other Subject #1: N/A
Optional Other Subject #2: N/A
Optional Other Subject #3: N/A
10 Words to describe your character: elitist, nonstudious, laidback, self-confident, judgmental, stubborn, controlled, obnoxious, possessive, active
Carlisle was a vegetarian once. For about three hours, at which point he smelled the steak that they were having for dinner and poof - vegetarianism no more. So, while usually stubborn, there are times when he has absolutely no ability to resist things. Like luxuries, highly attractive females, and just about anything that is highly tempting. The one creature that he’s entirely capable of taking care of - aside from himself - is his cat, Anderson. This might be in part due to the fact that Anderson catches his own food, locates his own water, and is generally self-sufficient.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
In Carlisle’s opinion, first impressions are the most important impressions, which is why he's always very careful about presenting himself properly when first acquainting himself with another person. Granted, his idea of a "good first impression" is not always the other person's idea of a "good first impression." He tries to keep himself in check, in control, at all times. His actions are rarely spontaneous, as a good lot of thought goes into his life. He likes to go over the consequences before hand, ensuring that things don’t go wrong. It doesn’t always work, but he tries.
Carlisle is self-confident and capable of hiding his insecurities when they do arise. He’s generally very sure of himself, which leads to him being laidback about most things. He’s not the sort of bloke to freak out without just cause. He generally takes a while to warm up to a freak out. He’ll hear the news, digest the news, attempt to figure things out, and if he can’t? That is when he begins to properly worry. He’s usually certain he can come up with a solution to the problem. Almost always.
Despite being lethargic when it comes to school work, Carlisle is a very active - in the physical sense - bloke. He runs each morning before classes and takes a late afternoon run on the weekends. He’s perfectly happy to play in sports - aside from those on broomstick - in a non-official capacity. He’s also a big fan of playing dirty, when he does play.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Carlisle has a tendency to make snap judgments about people. If his first encounter with someone happens to involve catching them snogging in the common room? Nobody should be surprised if he's mentally (and occasionally verbally) calling that person a slag for the entirety of the time he knows them. Sometimes, but not usually, his opinions can be altered. As far as he's concerned, it doesn't take much to impress him. Of course, in his opinion, including a few halfbloods in the list of his friends is an entirely generous thing for him to do. To lower his standards so far? It's downright charitable.
He views most others as being below him and, quite rarely, he'll see someone as being higher up than him. It usually takes quite a bit for him to admit that he actually admires someone in a role model type way. He's got little to no work ethic. Carlisle hates studying bookwork. The only reason he’s been studying at all for the past several years is his desire to pass the exams at the end of each year and move up a year. He studied hardest during the last year, actually taking into account the fact that OWLs would be much more difficult than the usual end of the year exams. He can be highly obnoxious when he's bored, and has become quite fond of figuring out what it is that annoys people the most, whether it's a certain word, fidgeting, tapping his fingers, cracking his knuckles, singing a certain song, etc, etc, etc, and using it on the person when he gets particularly bored.
He sees himself as quite versatile -- able to entertain himself in even the dullest of circumstances. Most others, however, just think of him as obnoxious when he's in such moods. Carlisle is possessive of things that he considers his. This possessiveness extends to friends, girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, family members, people he takes a shine to that he is not necessarily friends with, and just about anything he damn well pleases to claim as his own. Whether it actually belongs to him or not. Although generally a fairly laidback person, his temper comes out when it comes to someone honing in on his property. His territory. He's not one to give up something he considers his own and is more than happy to fight for it. He's damned stubborn when he wants something, or when he believes he's right, and will usually keep insisting he's right even if even he's become convinced he's wrong.
Magically, Carlisle has always had a bit of trouble with Transfigurations. It took him ages to convince his toothpick that not only did it want to gleam silver, but it actually wanted to transform into an actual needle. He's generally horrible in all bookwork areas, having a terrible time memorizing information about the Wizarding World's history despite having grown up in it. He's never been good with Astronomy. He also never put much effort into it. Herbology was one of his worst subjects, before he dropped it. Caring for living things has never been an easy thing with Carlisle. He's pretty horrible when it comes to remembering when to water them, when to feed them, and the needs that are specific to a particular plant or animal. He's been known to mix up which food item was meant for which animal. It's usually not a very pretty picture when he does.
Carlisle’s biggest fear is that of being average. It may not sound like much to someone else, but he’s always considered being special, part of the elite, as well as important to be… well, essential. His family is a respectable, relatively comfortable pureblooded family. In Carlisle’s mind, this translates to boring, dull, average. In truth, he should be happy that his family doesn’t have a marred history, filled with bastard children, divorce, and blood traitors. He should be. He would be, if they weren’t so damned average.
He’d like to be rich and able to buy whatever he wants, whenever he wants. That’s his biggest goal in life, honestly. He’s hoping a few distant relatives will die off leaving him their inheritance. He’s terrified of heights, which he tries to keep to himself. It’s one of the reasons why, despite being a fairly active boy, he absolutely refuses to get on a broomstick. He skived off of the flying lessons first year, figuring that he’d rather get a T in the class rather than actually make a fool of himself in front of everyone. He tries to exercise quite a bit of control over himself in order to keep himself from looking the fool. He’s careful of what he says, what he does. Sure, he might think of himself as better than others he knows, but he knows that doesn’t mean he’s incapable of losing status. Of embarrassing himself.
Despite the archaic ways of arranged marriages, Christoph Rousseau chose that path due to his busy schedule. He had no time to cultivate a truly loving relationship and instead relied on his mother to find him a suitable bride. It seemed to be the most time efficient way to go about things. Within a few months, she’d introduced him to Isabel and they were quickly on their way to marriage. Despite the abrupt way things were handled, the pair of them found that they got along quite swimmingly. For the most part.
It was never true love, but it would do. It didn’t take long before Carlisle arrived on the scene. He was raised in an oddly normal, relatively calm household. He didn’t grow up surrounding by screaming fits, chaos, or anything of the like. No, he was raised by his mother mostly, and his father spent quite a bit of time away from home due to business. He was raised in a proper manner. Carlisle was taught that mudbloods were to be abhorred, that they were lesser beings, and that he should never socialize with them unless it was absolutely necessary. Even then, he should be careful not to come into physical contact with them. They might infect with him their aberration.
He was also raised in a household that fully and completely supported the death eater movement. Except, the members of his family seemed too chicken to actually involve themselves actively despite their beliefs. Carlisle hopes to be a more active member of the cause someday.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. None
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house? Carlisle is in Slytherin because despite his lack of a work ethic, lack of applying himself in school, he really IS ambitious. He’s quite willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. His main goal, of course, being to achieve the status of being wealthy. He doesn’t have the work ethic, nor the studious nature of Ravenclaws. He would have done just about anything to stay out of both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Neither of those houses have a high ranking in his mind. The ranking goes more along these lines: Slytherins, Ravenclaws, House Elves, Werewolves, Flobberworms, Professors, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) None
If this is your 5th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other IG characters
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Character Secrets: He's afraid of heights, which I already mentioned.
Character Alliance: He completely sides with the dark side. He's hoping to, one day, more actively involve himself in the cause.