poopy heads

Oct 07, 2005 14:14

so, someone hit my car last night or this morning before i got out to it. it got scratched down the side and the left side mirror got broken off...i mean, it's still there, it's just dangling...BAH. no, they didn't leave a note, thats just plain old mean. but, whatever, i was upset this morning, but i will be alright. not to mention my beautiful boyfriend said he would fix it for me because he knows how to do that apparently, plus, he works at jiffy lube, and that has something to do with cars. my hero once again:) i am very impressed with his ability to calm me down and make it better.

i am still contimplating on whether or not to go home (brent's house...i call it home) for maggie, megan, sam, and rachel's birthday party tomorrow for the night and leave sunday morning to be back for work. i am pretty sure i'm gonna go because i really miss everyone so much and i won't be going back there til the weekend of the 28th...and i just can't do that.

it's raining, and i love it. it's so pretty and relaxing to me. good thing it rained because it almost started off as a bad day. haha.

have a good weekend everyone.
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