(no subject)

Jul 31, 2004 16:09

I'm not going to lie..boredom did not persuade me to do this..i actually find it quite amusing.

1. You're really a great guy. I havn't known you for that long, but you have this way about you that just always makes people smile. "she's got a way about her." <3

2. We go way back..cheerleading together and all. You're still the sweet optimistic girl you were back then, always smiling and always ready to give 110%. Never change!

3. Although we don't see eachother as much as we'd like, our friendship has continued to grow. You've always been my personal reality check..in a loving motherly kind of way ; )

4. You are one of the most loving, caring people i know..when you want to be. And when you're not, you're one arogant, sarcastic bastard.We challenge eachother more than any best friends should..we fight..we disagree on most things. But we are their for eachother non stop, I need you..I really do. Tell you're mom Ill come to dinner one of these days..

5. Two girls..one guy..not the best circumstances to be introduced to someone lol. But...that's in the past and now our friendship is one of the most beautiful things in my life. Late night phone calls..and days set aside just for us..cleaning your room..I love spending time with you. And i promise i'll sing for you ....one day lol.

6. You hog the blanket and you snore..every fucking night.

7. You are a sleezy bastard. Try treating the girl who loves you more than life itself a little better.

8. I have fond memories of you..a public bathroom..and vodka. haha..you're such a true down to earth girl. I'm so happy we became friends this year..hopefully even more next year.

9. I loved your smooth way of yelling out where I lived everytime you saw me. Yes..we come from the same town..and yes..we be turkin it together. You posted a rather embarresing photo of me in the play on my livejournal a while back..thanks for that = )

10. Random words that come to my head when you cross my mind...bubbles..locker..air freshner..water guns..black condums..bananas..BEST FUCKING FRIENDS. yes..i believe so <3 You mean so much to me I don't think it can be described in words..you're such an important part of my life...I can't see living with out you.

11. You're one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my entire existence. Always offering help and a shoulder to cry on...I'm so lucky to have you as a friend..and hopefully this year we will be in the same ss class again..no more sill lol.

12. I think in 6th grade I hooked you up with Evan Lawrence..and Mike Tumbi? lol..you're such a fun girl, when you're around I always have a good time. You just have fun and dont care what people think..I love it.

13. I met you at a party..tried to flirt with you..and you broke the news to me that you were gay. Oh what a night that was.

14. This year you have changed so much. But i think you've finally found where you're happy..and im glad. Your hugs are still the best *moves from side to side* hehe.

15. Always smiling..and one of the greatest girls I know. You walk into a room and it lights up. You live passionatly and always put your friends first..

16. You're going to kill me for making this publicly known..but..you and I went to an o-town concert in 7th grade..and kc n jojo and evan and jaron..ohh man..nothing beat walking into fetchi's 4th with sprites thinking we were cool <3 im so happy we r getting close again..

17. You're a good kid..a little iffy sometimes but cool.

18. I love you..and I hate you. What can I say..i think that's just always the way things have been between us.

19. Another cheerleading girl..you're the funny girl..and Messina HATED you because of your comedian-like tendancies lol. You always make me laugh kiddo.

20.I dont know if you've ever told me the truth and the best conclusion I can draw is that I just never fit quite right anywhere in your life. I may have seen the worst side, but i've also seen the best side..and the best side is worth loving the whole thing.
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