Jan 21, 2010 21:57
On my recent photographic adventure at Parliament house in canberra, I copped a bit of questioning from the local police about my photographic activities.
To be honest I'm not sure what the real issue of a tranny taking self portraits in front of these sort of places is. They seem to give the impression that it is some sort of security/terrorism issue and that if I want to take photos past a certain line ( of which they can not really explain where it is ) I have to seek permission.
When questioned who they can not answer and suggest the general calling the main switchboard at Parliament house. When you do this you get passed round 4-5 different people who aren't really any help but essentially say that if you don't look too professional you will be fine.
When I went back latter on in the day playing a regular tourist there was no issue with taking photos anywhere. So I guess if you were doing some photo recognizance for a dubious activity just dress as a tourist and all will be fine.