TW Double drabble: The 3 Moons of Trifaulda

Sep 14, 2019 08:05

Written for Prompt #540 Moonlight, at slashthedrabble
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Word Count: 200
Summary: Jack and Ianto go on a romantic picnic

The 3 Moons of Trifaulda

The three huge moons hung low on the horizon. Atmospheric gasses caused them to have a faintly purple glow. The forest was bathed in the eerie light, and strange insect noises provided a symphony of sound. Some sort of crickets, perhaps.

Ianto kept a tight hold of Jack's hand, trusting him to navigate the dark ground without mishap. “Why do the people of this planet all come out at night?” Everywhere around them couples were strolling hand in hand. Apparently midnight picnicking was big on Trifaulda.

“Too hot during the day,” Jack replied. “Plus the radiation from the twin suns causes wrinkles.”

Jack guided him over to a spot under a tree and set the picnic basket down, while Ianto spread out the blanket. Nearby, several couples were doing the same, others already having their meals. Some, Ianto noticed, were getting rather... amorous.

As soon as they'd made themselves comfortable on the grass, Jack slid closer to Ianto and slipped an arm around him. “Also... the gas from the moons acts as an aphrodisiac,” he admitted. His hands began roaming Ianto's body.

Ianto rolled his eyes. “As if you need that.” Not that he was complaining. Not complaining at all.

torchwood, drabble, fic

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