Aug 15, 2019 15:47

Drabble written for TW100.

Title: Bittersweet
Author: Cat Moon
Characters: Jack Harkness.  Original female character
Challenge: kid/kidding 565
Rating: G
Notes: Future fic.  Just a bit of headcanon that may or may not end up in a real story someday.''


Jack brushed white hair back from his daughter's face. Watching your children die of old age was the curse of being immortal.
     “It's okay, Dad. Tad told me that the bond with parents is the closest we'll ever experience. To be with you when you come into this world... and when you go out, that's an amazing gift. He was right. I'm glad you're here.”


Jack blinked back tears. Ianto's gift to him, that their children would not hate him for what he was as others had, but appreciate that they'd never have to be alone. Especially at the end.

tw100, torchwood, drabble

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