Umbrella fixing fabulousness!

Apr 01, 2009 11:16

I commute by public transport to work everyday and sometimes I am fortunate enough to experience rain (always a blessing when you live in a drought plagued city). Sometimes a umbrella is necessary and i find that I am frequently subject to umbrella mishaps as they fall apart from being blown inside out.

I was excited to find this tutorial on Burda Style for fixing umbrellas. It fits in with our re-use 'mend and make do' ethic, where it's preferable to use what you have ahter than constantly buying replacements.

As I haven't seen rain for a little while, I thought I'd indulge with some cute umbrella pics...

Lovely pic taken in Italy by Love Me, Love Me Not

I should get one of these for my other half but men don't use umbrellas apparently!

Cute Japanese Matchbook cover from 1910

Spanish Magazine Editorial

Candid retro shot :-)

sewing, recycled, vintage

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