My whole family is sleeping and I feel like I'm keeping watch. It's nice.
I am fine, slightly overwhelmed, but fine. There is much I want to do, but lack the motivation to do it because I am kinda stagnated. The biggest thing I want to do is "nest", but there are other things that are in front of my face that are more important right now... but I don't wanna do them, so I wait for something to be compelling enough. And we all know that is just not productive...
Tom and I spent 2 days combing over his resume and creating required papertrails for a job ap at WWU as a Building Construction Specialist. From all we hear, he is super qualified for it. And he went to bed at 10am today, woke at 2pm to print/deliver said novel to WWU and the puter had crashed and lost everything he had done from 3am-10am. Fucking thing. So he panicked and did what he could and got it in with a minute to spare. A minute. ONE. 4:59 p.m.
Mira is starting to recognize, in detail, the differences between our house and AM's. It is good, globally, but makes transition harder for all of us. Usually she is a pill for 24 hours and then gets in her groove and then resists leaving. I'm sure it's the same with AM. How freekin hard can you imagine it is for a 5yo to have different homes? I ache for her sometimes, I mean, for wanting to make her life easier. I wish I could. Not in a coddling way, but in a cognitive way, if that makes sense. I love her.
From love to hate: I still hate UA and they are still bastards. All of them. No one will get back to me to schedule my defense, JP is officially 1.5 weeks late returning my feedback, and I want to be done with this by the end of March. Fuckers.
I'm looking at my garden tonight, realizing that I will do next-to-nothing with it for most of the next year. *sigh*
If Tom gets this job, we are sinking some money into this house, like upgrades and remodels this spring. Going UP with our bedroom, OUT with the dining room and DOWN with the back patio. Not to mention some serious digging in the dirt. I hope I can do some of it, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I've got my first candle show on Monday and I need 4 more in March. 4. That's it. I can't wait to get past my own circle and start dealing with straight clients. It will be so much easier, ironically.
In other news, my puter has been on Larry's conscience for 8 months. The screen went out and was covered by warranty and we've been trying to track it ever since it got sent to Apple in, oh, I don't know... AUGUST. Well, it seems they have lost my puter. I will get a new one if they have. What the heck is out there right now to replace it with? I had a first-gen milky white G3. What's the equivalent these days?
That's what's up with me.