I feel like a raging B*TCH today. I woke up early feeling like I could just RAGE early this morning, so I thought, "Wow, I' going back to sleep and I'll try this again"
It didn't help.
I woke up again feeling even more growly.
We're out of coffee. Of all the unjustices, I have had no chocolate even though 1/2 price chocolate day fell on DURING MY PMS/PERIOD. This weekend I am buying chocolate. GOOD FREAKING CHOCOLATE AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME.
Yes, I realize I'm being ridiculous and probably annoying, but you know what? Sometimes you are probably annoying too... This is MY JOURNAL. Scroll away my friends, just keep scrolling... just keep scrolling... You wouldn't get it, mom, its from Finding Nemo.
And what the hell is wrong with my "M" key?