
Nov 02, 2008 21:19

I just got an email from Al Gore (via the Obama campaign) filling me in on where my polling place is, what hours they're open, what I should bring with me, What Not to Wear, etc. Kinda neat. I'm guessing they figured out the info based on my name/address I supplied when I donated some money to the campaign this summer.

For those in MI who are for some reason unsure of where to go on Tuesday, or if you'd like to preview the ballot you'll see, or check out what voting equipment will be there, go to http://www.publius.org and they'll tell you what poll has your registration :)

Publius is a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1996 to explore the impact of the Internet on democracy and develop web-based tools to enhance the exchange of ideas and information. Publius began by consolidating election-related web sites to make it easier for voters to find the election information they need.
In 1998, Publius developed an interactive web tool to allow residents to access their voter registration status and obtain candidate information. With the assistance of the Secretary of State's Bureau of Elections, Publius had created the world's first online ballot generator based on the voter registration information supplied by the state's Qualified Voter File.

Publius continues to evolve based on the principle of creating tools to make the time citizens interact with government as effective as possible. We pound the pavement, make calls, and ask lots of questions in order to consolidate all the information citizens need to vote, and then we create an intuitive system to access it.

One day, we may be directly interacting with elected officials through e-mail, chats, and online town hall meetings, but it won't happen overnight. Today we can use the Internet to create tools more effectively channel interaction with government, and allow government's interaction with us to evolve as more and more "wired" candidates get into office. Accordingly, we started the project where the government begins -- elections.

Publius has also identified the Digital Divide as a profound obstacle in using the Internet to facilitate access to government. We have been deeply involved with government and grassroots programs that are attempting to address this issue in our home city of Detroit, MI. The programs we have developed to address this issue can be found in greater detail in our Digital Bridge Program.

Publius continues to grow and pursue the idea that every educated citizen strengthens our democracy.

/public service announcement

Now to kick back with some True Blood, some Entourage, Dexter, and Life & Times of Tim.
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