Sixth Codex [Written]

Feb 02, 2010 15:29

[Her brief stint as an amateur psychologist wasn't a complete waste, Bellis was able to learn a few things. She knows she has to ask questions if she expects to find a way out of Luceti, but it's difficult to know which questions to ask. A clue to come from anywhere. She doesn't particularly enjoy addressing the entire town, but she sees the advantages of the journals, as well. So, she picks a broad question that could teach her a great deal about beings from other worlds.]

I notice there are many Xenians, non-human intelligent races, in Luceti. I'd like to learn more about them. What sort of environments do you come from? What sort of traditions do you hold? What unique physical traits do your people have? What other types of Xenians live in your worlds?

[OOC: Bellis is writing but voice responses are certainly welcome (though she might disagree).]
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