Oh goodness...

Oct 21, 2006 21:47

What a day. Went to Chinny with parents for some shopping. Had to use the restrooms and the closest ones were in the theatre... seeing all those people there made me sad that I haven't seen a movie since Just My Luck even though I really wanted to see The Lake House [it's on DVD now so I guess it doesn't matter] But I really want to see Marie Antoinette. So anyways... we popped into Chapters later and I really wanted to buy Goodbye Jimmy Choo but my mom ran out of the store and the lines were brutal so no book for me... I did however get a new belt and some new pants for the trip... needs some hemming but mehs... they were $10's what do I expect?? And mom wanted to get me an FCUK sweater. No. Too expensive for me. Then we found a bunch of dresses I wouldn't have minded having for my cousin's wedding. Like seriously... all the nice dresses are out now when I don't need them. The same thing happend during grad. *is pissed*
Also... mom was curious as to how much this ring cost so I asked the guy to let us see it... I tried it on. This very beautiful 3.0 ct, brilliant cut, Polar Ice, $40 000 diamond ring. It SHINES. Like oh man I wanted to bolt outta the store... I want it so bad... the set was really ugly but still. *drools* Also it was too small and wouldn't come off my finger. It did in the end. But *drools*
Oh and halfway through the shopping trip my hip blew out and now it hurts and I'm limping. I am a gimp. OH! AND I FIT A SIZE 7 AGAIN! I FEEL LIKE ONE HOT SEXY MOMMA! BOOYA!

movies, day/plans, bling

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