Part of my problems with life is my lack of deciding.
So I've decided.
My goal is to find what I Really Really want to do.
From there I can figure out how to get there. But I have to figure out where it is.
Crazy Job Ideas
Be an Author.
Be in a Band
Work with Larry... Something to do with her designs. So I can have cool clothing and she can make cool clothing.
Be the official behind the scenes vlogger for a neat tv show. and do DVD Features too.
ACT IN A HIT TV SHOW. Or at least a long one.
When I was little I wanted to be a teacher. But I don't like that anymore. At least not right at this moment. I think it's because it comes with a very strict schedule.
I don't like how strict my schedule is now. I can't work 'normal' hours. And I have 4 months a year that I can't have off at all for STUPID reasons.
I think... I've pretty much decided that I can't stay in TV. Because... it makes me sad to think about where things are going. I tell people that my job is disappearing because of downsizing, and they say it's the economy... but it's not a job that will come back. Because they're automating it. And paying people poorly to do the work that used to take 2 or 3 or 5 people. And they're not going to he hiring those people back when the economy gets better.
And I love my job... but I'm tired of news people.
And I love my job... but I want time to do things I like when the rest of the world isn't asleep
And I love my job... but.... but... but... I don't love it enough.