Nov 20, 2010 02:01
My kitty... Whom I love and adore.... Attacks me when I'm asleep. So she doesn't get to be in the bedroom when I'm asleep. This results in meowing and scratching at my door randomly.
Last night. I opened the door... scooped her up. Scratched her till she had a good purr going. And climbed back into bed. Where I encouraged her to lay down so I could scratch her tummy. I fell asleep.
Three hours later she woke me up and started to attack my poor feet and was escorted out of the bedroom... But the wake up was cute in a terrifying way...
I woke up when she put her cold wet nose on my nose. Do you know what it's like to open your eyes to see shining slightly blurry kitty eyes RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE??
I love the kitty.