Mm! So updates, updates!
I've been a little busy and a little under the weather since Atobe's party, so I haven't been online or drawing much. Don't worry about me, though, Niisan and Omlette (yes, I decided on that name) have been keeping me plenty entertained. By the way, Niisan, the movie we saw yesterday was BAD. Do movie makers in America think they've got a good movie if they have enough explosions? That country is weird. ^^;;
Anyway, I'm afraid I'll be away from the internet and all you lovlies for a little while again. But this time I'll be drawing! Which brings me to this:
An-chan's Doodle Request Meme! ♥
Rules and Instructions
1. Post a comment with a character, person, or pairing and a prompt and I'll draw a doodle like above of your request!
2. Do leave a prompt, if you say "draw anything" I probably won't do it.
3. Don't worry if I don't know you or we don't really talk, this will help me get to know you better!
4. There is no limit on requests, I'll keep drawing as long as I keep getting them.
5. Keep it clean! I will draw slashy things, and even semi-nudes, but no porn and no full-frontal nudity.
6. I like thumbs-ups! ^^
Alright! Post your requests, everyone! I am here to serve the fandom!