Aga/rayburn questions

Nov 23, 2011 10:13

So now I have to ask fredbassett and liars_dance what do I need to know about Aga and Rayburn cooking?

I know virtually nothing at the moment, but several of the houses we have details for have one or other. I know you can get gas agas simply to cook on and that they don't have to be the whole heating/water system. But are most agas doing the whole job? I think of rayburns as always being the entire heating/water/cooking unit. What questions would we need to ask about them? I presume they have to be serviced like any other heating system?

A lot of the places we are looking for properties don't have mains gas, so are on solid fuel or oil. When my parents moved to the village they retired to there was no mains gas and they changed their system from solid fuel to oil. Since then oil prices have rocketed, but gas is not the cheap product it once was.

We are a bit unsure about the thought of an aga/rayburn, but it is through lack of experience. Any info would be useful. Thanks in advance.

the move

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