
Jul 30, 2009 10:42

While I was mooching around in the house yesterday I was listening to the radio. There was an article about some bloke who is putting forward the theory that we should all survive by owning only 100 things. Literally 100. As this is never likely to happen to me apart from a house fire I wasn't listening properly.

Then they interviewed Aggie (off 'How clean is your house?') about what she thought. She said she thought it was all a gimmick and oh, what a surprise! the bloke now has a book deal to promote his idea.

She said she preferred the 365-day decluttering method. With this you have to throw away one thing every day of the year. And then remember that throwing something away does not mean you then have room for something new.

I like the idea of this as part of my problem is facing the piles of Stuff that need going through - I feel overwhelmed. Whereas thinking that I only need to make a decision about one thing makes it a lot easier for me.

I keep a bag of 'Things to go to the Charity Shop' on the go, then when we get a bag through the door I just fill it and leave it out for collection. There was one for collection today, so yesterday I put in the assorted items that have been waiting for a bag for months (we've had bags in that time. I've just never got round to getting rid of the stuff) and also went to the spare room wardrobe and found a blouse that I've not worn for AGES and put that in too. That classed as yesterday's item. Today I am going to shred a pile of papers that have been waiting to be done for a while...

I feel now that I can go through some of the stuff I kept from my parent's house. I kept items thinking I couldn't part with them but now, several years on, I can probably reassess whether I've needed/looked at them in the time they've been here. I am hoping to get rid of more stuff this way. This includes items of kitchenware. I kept what I had room for but there are probably only so many quiche dishes you really need. Yesterday I broke a one-cup cafetiere that I've had over 20 years. But you know what? My Mum had had one as well, so I was just able to bring that one into use instead!!

I got a colour portable telly for my 21st birthday from my aunt and uncle. It will seem strange to the youth of today that this was such a luxury, but back in the day it was. It still works and we have it in the bedroom. But when we emptied Mum's place we brought her telly back here and have that in the bedroom, so the portable has just gathered dust since then. With digital switchover coming soon both these sets will be obsolete unless we get a digital box, so I am thinking we should at least ditch the portable. It has been kept for sentimental reasons rather than practical ones and really - what is the point?

In other news - we are having the most horrendous thunder storms today. Huge lightning and thunder that rocks the house (literally). The poor garden is doing it's best to absorb the water.

weather, household

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