Mar 25, 2009 10:06

I have resisted up to now but feel I just HAVE to say my bit about Jade Goody. For those of you non-UKers this is a person who came to fame a few years ago through Big Brother. She did not win but went on to make a fortune from reality telly. More recently she became a hate figure after racist remarks on Celebrity Big Brother (as she had morphed into a celebrity by then) and then was told she had cancer live on air while appearing on Indian Big Brother. She has died aged 27. The UK press has been filled with 'news' of her recent wedding/christening/death for weeks. I have no idea when the funeral is but we will have to go through it all again when that happens. The press seem to be making her death 2nd only to that of Lady Di. But really - who gives a shit?

This is a woman whose fame has been based totally on her ignorance. She came to the nation's attention initially in BB because noone could believe how stupid she was (she thought Rio de Janeiro was a person). I believe her popularity came about because the great unwashed were relieved to find there was someone more stupid than themselves, but WHY did that make her into a millionairess and what does that do for society today?

As far as I've read (which has been the bare minimum) from scandal mags Jade had previously had dodgey smear tests and had gone back for scrapes etc. She got a letter telling her that she needed to go back for more tests after a new smear test and thinking 'it might be something bad' she found excuses (too much work, too busy) to not go and find out. Ignorance again. How stupid can you get? Eventually of course it was too late to do anything and when she did find out what was wrong she already had a very limited chance of survival.

Well Hello People! Life is like that. It is fucking awful for lots of people. People die of cancer every day. It's sad that anyone dies aged 27 but KIDS get cancer and that is sad too. They didn't get the chance to make millions, have kids and see a bit of the world.

So let's hope that the moral tale which kids will take from the whole Jade fiasco is this:

You can be so stupid that you get famous for it. You don't need to work at school or learn anything because you might just be that one person in 50 million who gets rich because of your total lack of knowledge of the world.

But that ignorance could just be the thing that kills you. You are statistically far more likely to get cancer than you are to become rich and famous through any of the reality TV options now open to you. So be prepared! Deal with medical situations. THEY WILL NOT GO AWAY. Not wanting bad things to happen is not sufficient safeguard in this instance.

I could go on for hours about this... but I'm too busy furthering my knowledge of porn things I need to know to be bothered.


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