Dec 06, 2004 19:54
I don't know I have like the only pit feeling in my stomach........ I think it's a combination of things:
-Curosity of who called me Saturday and didn't leave me a message.
-Why am I always feeling sick.
-What I'm going to wear tomorrow.
-What Christmas is going to be like since were all broke and not in the Christmas spirt.
Going to the 40 / 40 tomorrow night for Eb's birthday. That will make a huge dent in my pocket, but should be fun. I have a commerical to do Wednesday. Have no clue of what my product is going to be yet, which is somewhat a problem bc if I'm going out tomorrow I need to have it done b4 I leave tomorrow. Bc theres no way tomorrow nigt or Wednesday morning at like 3 will I be putting my comerical together then getting up at 7:30 and taping my comerical at 9! Nope, no way in hell!! Last speech which I'm actually excited about. This was a stressful class. I think I almost passed out 3xs this semester bc I was so nervous. I think I have anxiety disorder..... Oh well that's a different subject.
It's funny how we put ourselves in weird situtations and then wonder how were going to get out of them. The solution to this would be to stay out of these situtatins but that's so much easier said then done.
My mind is just racing of thoughts I really need to leave that damn Iced Coffee from Starbucks alone bc every Monday morning my thoughts are just racing. It's killing my softely!!! uhm...