wait. maybe he hasn't learned. maybe he's like SUPER confused. i mean, he's not practiced in the art of the MSAP. maybe he got all disoriented and thought the was vertical, but he's really horizontal... and head butting flams in the back?
LOL yeah, poor guy will learn soon. he is like "OMG OMG who cares about the score, this thing seems like fun, i must join" *tries but too many hands and legs* "ARGH i must join" * tries to enter by any means*
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA poor bacary hahahahaha he'll learn. there have to be more MSAPs so that he can get enough practice so he's not going in head first... esp at waist level O.o dirty. haha
... and yay for feisty spaniards AND frenchman *pets flams*
aww Flams!
"OMG OMG who cares about the score, this thing seems like fun, i must join"
*tries but too many hands and legs*
"ARGH i must join" *
tries to enter by any means*
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