And I wish you joy and happyness. but above all this i wish you love.

Jan 08, 2004 18:00

Im tired of things....

So much pain and hurt. and I dont know how to get rid of it. I can hide it for a time but why....why must it surface again? GOD I HATE IT.

I am feeling so insacure again. I feel alone... and helpless....

I try to reach out to people to help me...but they just ignore me... or leave... they dont respond... "Fuck her... My problems will come soon and Ill expect her to solve them for me... but ill be DAMNED if i listen to her" Yeah. thats what must be going through their minds.. cause that is how they make it seem.

Shooter. Im pissed at you most.

" I will always be here for you Dag. You know that."

yeah. Be there to tell me of your pains. and when i really need a friend and start to talk you just go Ugn and put your fucking away message up and ignore me.....

I need someone..... My best friend is not being so "friend" like to me....

Thanks sheep. For making me smile some... but im did not last.

Im going to go cry some fucking more people. Good night.
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