For you LJers... how do I get my friends entries to show up with white backgrounds so I can read them? When I click on "manage friends lists" so I can view the entries of just my friends I want to, my flag background comes up and all the copy from everyone's entries are on it. I have to highlight the copy on the entries just to read it, and it's annoying!
Excited about going to see a local Detroit band, The Dirtbombs, on Wed. That day's also my mom's birthday, but we're going to celebrate it on the weekend, so she said it's OK that I go to the concert. Ron's birthday is today and Uncle Joe's is Thursday. How odd is that, 3 birthdays in a row?
Sorry about the icon Ron, but I just had to. You are too cute. I'll take it down soon before I get yelled at for it! Most of my baby pictures are on slides and the 'rents have them. Slides can be a great thing because the colors stay really well over time. I should dig through them and scan a few in. I USED to be cute at one time and I can prove it!
I found out that
jaxian's new friend,
hunchentoot has a LJ, too. What a small world. At Jonathan's get-together the other day, Joe was telling me his roommate has pet rats that he would like to give new homes. I was thinking that since they are a little older than newborn and are hand-trained, I might take one off his hands. Awwww a pet rat! I saw a few photos of them online... they're cute and he named them after historical figures. I have that big cage on a stand that I was gonna make into a new firebellied toad cage but... maybe I could have a rat instead? That'd be cool. Joe, have your friend LJ me...