Dec 15, 2005 09:40
Terrorists or terrorism have caused officials at San Francisco’s transit system to close ALL bathroom. Which means if during my hour long commute I need to pee (I drink a venti coffee every morning, EVERY morning, I have a coffee addiction), there is no where for me to go…NO WHERE!!
And there are no public restroom in San Francisco…I was at a Starbucks without a bathroom!! The barista told me to go to the hotel across the street!!!
Why?? No one likes to use those dirty restrooms but once in a while my bladder will not abide by my no public restroom policy and insist on relief!! What are my options now?? Why just my bladder be punished?? Why are the bathroom closed?? Is the threat of terror that great in public transit restrooms??
First pay phones started to disappear but that was okay because most people got cell phones. Now the disappearance of public restrooms…what are people suppose to do??