Where is my outrage? Here. It's here.

Feb 26, 2013 03:05

The title refers to this post, by author Nora Jemisin. It is worth reading. It is not going to make your night any happierBut then again, I'm not going to make your night any happier. I don't know if people will find this post triggery--but it will descend, in all probability, into rant and a genuine, visceral anger. So this might be the time to ( Read more... )

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mtlawson February 26 2013, 13:26:21 UTC
Thanks, Michelle, for saying what needed to be said.

I was going to ping you to ask how you were doing --you hadn't posted in a while-- but I see I didn't need to.

I certainly hope that times will change, but given how things have been since Election Night, 2008, I wonder whether we haven't gone backward. Perhaps things are more visible because certain aspects of society have become emboldened to crawl out from under that rock, but I fear that we have become less tolerant and respectful of others over the intervening time.

I was not amused by what passed for jokes at the Oscars the other night. You can poke fun at people without being offensive, but it's as if McFarlane didn't get the memo on that. And really, what the hell did the little girl do that pissed off all those people? Act well in a movie? Act like a kid? She behaved herself much better than Jack Nicholson did, but then again we all knew that one. Oh, I knew the swipe that McFarlane took about her wasn't about her at all, but rather a snide comment about George Clooney's tastes in women, but it was demeaning to both Clooney and the girl, both of whom displayed more class than McFarlane did.

And yes, I decided I wasn't going to watch any uncomfortable squirming or nervous laughter when the "We Saw Your Boobs" song and dance number came on screen. For all of the "lighten up!" comments out there, I'd argue that all we'd have to do is change the lyrics to "We Saw Your Dick" and see how those same people would react.


marlowe1 February 26 2013, 15:56:20 UTC
Probably not nearly as offended as they are reacting now. Of course, a lot of that has to do with male privilege and a lack of sexualization for men (except for Channing Tatum).


barbarienne February 26 2013, 16:49:17 UTC
I'm not sure what "except for Channing Tatum" means here. He doesn't get talked about any more than other male movie stars.


iamshadow February 26 2013, 23:59:02 UTC
Channing Tatum used to be a stripper; he wrote Magic Mike based on that period in his life.


msagara February 26 2013, 19:40:27 UTC
I was going to ping you to ask how you were doing --you hadn't posted in a while-- but I see I didn't need to.

I am so far behind in writing deadlines that I mostly save the words. I am so desperately trying to catch up to "really really late" and avoid "catastrophically, disastrously late" - but I couldn't write fiction for two nights because these words cut right through anything else. Because someone on twitter said, to one of the black feminists posting, "This happens to white women too. Idiot." (I believe the poster was a white woman, but on twitter, it's impossible to be certain.)

And I was enraged. Well, I was shocked, and then I was enraged. And it just stayed with me, and built.


mtlawson February 26 2013, 22:21:45 UTC
Did your husband need to prod you to write it down, or did he merely stay out of the way until you were ready? I figured that as a fellow IT person he's just lay low until you were ready.


msagara February 27 2013, 00:23:18 UTC
Did your husband need to prod you to write it down, or did he merely stay out of the way until you were ready? I figured that as a fellow IT person he's just lay low until you were ready.

He lays low, if you can call getting an enraged earful laying low.

But I run things past him before I post, because he often points out where I've failed to be clear, or where I've assumed certain knowledge about things that I shouldn't. Also, he'll sometimes point out that I've lost the point of a post to the density of steam I'm exhaling.


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